
bái xiàn
  • white line;white thread
  1. 哼,我记得你好像给他缝领子用的是白线,可现在却是黑线。

    Well , now , if I didn 't think you sewed his collar with white thread , but it 's black .

  2. 有时她用白线缝,有时又用黑线。

    One needle carried white thread and the other black . sometimes she sews it with white , and sometimes she sews it with black .

  3. 运动场地用白线划了出来。

    The playing area was marked off with a white line .

  4. 白线标出人行横道。

    White tines mark the crossing .

  5. hrclass=“space”将绘制一条白线,从而有效地呈现不可见的规则,但需要提供一个标准的垂直空白空间。

    Hr class = " space " draws a white line , effectively rendering the rule invisible , but providing a standard vertical blank space .

  6. 侗族AB血型人指纹白线出现率低于其他血型人群(P<0.05);

    The occurence in AB blood group people was lower than others ( P < 0.05 );

  7. 随后对室内环境进行特征研究分析,结合统计学方法提出了改进的hough白线提取算法。

    After the analysis of indoor environmental features , improved hough white line extraction algorithm is proposed based on statistical methods .

  8. EDAX分析表明,封接白线是销钉封接时玻璃沿销钉氧化膜的爬坡。

    Analyses of EDAX show that sealing white line was glass spreading on oxide scale of pin .

  9. 针对亚广联(ABU)第四届机器人电视大赛,搭建一台由单片机控制的轮式机器人,依靠光纤传感器感知场地内白线而前进。

    To take part in the 4th robot contest hold by Asia - Pacific Broadcasting Union , a robot controlled by MCU is constructed and fiber sensors are used to detect the white line in the game field .

  10. 对于由全景视觉系统采集到的全景图像,本文采用对光线不敏感的HSI颜色模型进行颜色标定,利用游程编码进行图像分割,并在此基础上进行球、球门、角柱和白线的特征提取。

    The HSI color model is not sensitive to light , so we can use it for color calibration , image segmentation by run-length code , and objection recognition to the ball , goal , and the white lines .

  11. 精神分裂症患者的指纹白线和嵴线离解的研究

    Study on White Line and Ridge Dissociation on Fingerprint of Schizophrenia

  12. 目的研究仫佬族指纹白线的特征。

    Objective To research tne characteristics of the fingerprint wite lines .

  13. 越过连续双白线或一行连续另一行断续的双白线

    Cross a continuous double white line with a broken white line

  14. 我能感觉到我的双唇紧闭成了一条白线。

    I could feel my lips compress into a white lien .

  15. 特别停车位用白线标出。

    The special parking space is marked out with white lines .

  16. 湖南侗族指纹白线正常值分析

    Study on white line of fingerprints in Dong nationality in Hunan province

  17. 有一条白线,黄红的,橙红的。

    There 's a white wire , a yellow-red , an orange-red .

  18. 你最好事先在那里划一条白线。

    You 'd better mark a white line there beforehand .

  19. 我们已用白线画出运动场地。

    We have marked the playing area off with a white line .

  20. 他们使人群远远地停在白线后面。

    They kept the crowd well behind the white line .

  21. 一架飞机从空中飞过,尾部拖着一条水汽形成的白线。

    An aeroplane flew across the sky trailing white vapor .

  22. :分开,划分,分割这些白线把赛区分成各个部分。

    divide White lines divide the playing area into sections .

  23. 所有用白线圈定的区域属于整修地。

    All areas bounded by white lines are GUR .

  24. 在白线处并没有什么峰起。

    There are no peaks corresponding to the positions of the white lines .

  25. 三条白线仅是一个视觉上的幻觉。

    The three white lines are a visual illusion .

  26. 腹白线疝2例

    Hernia of linea alba : report of 2 cases

  27. 儿童腹白线内面的缺陷及其临床意义

    The inner layer defect of linea alba in children and its clinical significance

  28. 黛妮丝以前是白线影业的

    Uh , Denise here was head of development for White Line Pictures .

  29. 斗篷用白线与一件白色织锦礼服缝合在一起。

    It is lined with white and worn over a white brocaded gown .

  30. 每一条画在球场上的白线相距约10码。

    Each of those white lines drawn across the field represents about ten yards .