
Some militant leaders want to merge with white radicals .
Americans generally speaking were turning to the right during the 1950s - even Ronald Reagan was a Democrat in the 1930s - and that was particularly the case for white southerners .
They comprise the overwhelming majority of the white people .
Russia still has more poor white people than any other country , though their number diminishes each year .
The incidence rate for invasive melanoma is highest in whites , who are almost 30 times more likely to develop melanoma .
The combined prevalence of overweight and obesity was highest in African Americans and Latinos , intermediate in whites , and lowest in Asians-Pacific Islanders .
And if he maintains this kind of lead , or this kind of balance among blue collar whites , he will probably carry these three states .
The researchers found the young adults most likely to be involved with food preparation and purchasing in association tend to be female ; Asian , Hispanic or white ;
Between the presidential elections of1960 and2004 , their share of the southern white male vote shrank by17 points , but among non-southern whites it still shrank by12 points .
He could tell of consumption making inroads on entire families and of pellagra , once found only among poor whites , which was now appearing in Atlanta 's best families .
While a plurality of the poor-19.2m-are non-Hispanic white , the rates of poverty are higher among minorities ; over a quarter of both blacks and Latinos live in poverty , while only a tenth of Whites do .
However , these studies were conducted almost entirely among relatively well-to-do , well educated , white individuals , and despite the researchers " care in controlling for other factors that could have influenced the results , there remained the possibility that characteristics of the participants other than nut consumption could account for their reduced death rates 。
BRCA mutations cause about 5 to 10 percent of breast cancers and 10 to 15 percent of ovarian cancers among white women in the United States .
And he won heavily among younger white voters .
Across TV and film , the underrepresentation of non-white characters falls mostly on Hispanics .
They may eventually dissolve into white English-speaking South Africa , or into the white world .
The white community uses this as an excuse to act upon their hatred of the black community and violence results .
Robinson is an atheist , whereas he loses himself in white culture and imposes the whites ' values on his two daughters .
And it is not just a problem of rural communities or non-white groups - indeed , many of Dave 's North Carolina clients are white .
Most of Zimbabwe 's top politicians and public servants , including judges , among them those presiding at the Supreme Court are beneficiaries of white-owned farms .
The third part focuses on the harsh reality that black people fail to find the meaning of existence in the white society from the perspective of social space .
Blacks are less likely to graduate from college than whites with the same family income , but the gap disappears if you compare families with the same income and net worth .
While 36 per cent of Chinese and 31 per cent of students with other Asian backgrounds were engaged in business-related degrees , only 15 per cent of white respondents chose the same option .
Through analyzes it confirmed that the Black culture is the spiritual support of Black people , although the Youngers suffered many oppression from White society . They preserved their Black Dignity in this process .
Lin , having grown up surrounded by white people , has said that she " didn ` t even realize " she was Chinese until later in life , and that it was not until her 30s that she had a desire to understand her cultural background .
The first was Steve Biko , the apartheid-era South African student leader , who split from white leftwing students because he believed blacks needed to develop self-reliance .
Nearly 27 percent of whites have access to the Internet from home .
The survey found a good work-life balance was much more important among white job-hunters .
Despite the power of government , the ingraned white people were the most dangerous threat facing the movement .
The survival of the African-Americans in the white mainstream society has been a hot topic of post-colonial study .