
  • 网络gall wasp;Cynips
  1. 昆虫的一个目;包含蜜蜂;黄蜂;蚂蚁;埃及蠓;叶蜂;瘿蜂;等。

    An order of insects including : bees ; wasps ; ants ; ichneumons ; sawflies ; gall wasps ; etc. .

  2. 瘿蜂,主要是侵袭各种橡树。

    Cynipid gall wasps , chiefly affecting oaks .

  3. 中国板栗瘿蜂天敌的研究

    Studies on the natural enemies of chestnut gall wasp in China

  4. 通过对板栗瘿蜂为害情况、生物学特性和天敌种类的调查,进行了防治试验。

    Though the investigation of the damage , bionomics and natural enemy species of the Drylcosmus kuriphilus Yasumatsu , the corresponding control trial was conducted .

  5. 这种种群结构在空间上的变异可能是被栎瘿蜂开发的资源尤其是栎树寄主在斑块上出现变异的反映。

    This spatial variation in population structure may be the result of variation in the patchiness of resources exploited by gallwasps , particularly host oak plants .

  6. 能引起栎瘿的瘿蜂等。

    Cynipid gall wasps , esp. causing oak-apple galls .