
diàn chuán dǎ zì jī
  • teletypewriter;teletype;teleprinter;electric typewriter
电传打字机[diàn chuán dǎ zì jī]
  1. 输出仍经过该电传打字机。

    Output is again via the teletypewriter .

  2. 虽然我未用过这种电传打字机,但我有资格担任电传操作员。

    I am qualified as a telex operator although I have never used this model teletypewriter .

  3. 所需硬设备:CPU,内存16K,电传打字机,纸带输入机。

    System ) . ( 6 ) Hardware needed : CPU , 16k memory , teletypewriter , paper tape reader .

  4. 会议期间的报道由电话或电传打字机传来。

    Reports came in by telephone and teleprinter during the meeting .

  5. 由电传打字机网络组成的国际电报信息传送服务。

    International telegraphic message-transfer service consisting of a network of teleprinters .

  6. 帕梅拉为什么无法打信?阿拉伯字母电传打字机

    Why can 't Pamela type the letter ? Arabic teleprinter

  7. 他们通过电传打字机同他们的驻伦敦办事处保持联系。

    They are connected with their London offices by teleprinters .

  8. 阿拉伯字母电传打字机按‘换字键’然后打字母‘A’。

    Arabic teleprinter Press ` Shift ' and type ` A ' .

  9. 在那个年代,电传打字机看起来就已经很高科技了。

    That was back when an electric typewriter seemed high-tech.

  10. 电传打字机的磁带系统,就是一个高度经济但却不具有可访问性的例子,

    Teleprinter tape provided an example of a highly economical but inaccessible system .

  11. 电传打字机看上去就像一台电动的打字机。

    The teletype machine looks like an electric typewriter .

  12. 1920年代电传打字机普遍用于商业。

    Teletypewriters ( or teleprinters ) became common for commercial use in the 1920s .

  13. 电报局将电传打字机提供给他的用户。

    Telegraph office provides Tele-printers to its subscribers .

  14. 电传打字机交换网络双工位板式快速换网

    Teleprinter switching network Double-station plate-type quick change screen

  15. 通常,这种计算机包括一台电传打字机。

    This computer normally consists of a teletypewriter .

  16. 莫尔斯电码的传号状态电传打字机信号发生器

    Mark condition in Morse code teleprinter signal generator

  17. 皮革打光机(不包括砑光机型)通常,这种计算机包括一台电传打字机。

    Glazing machine for leather ( excl. calender-type ) This computer normally consists of a teletypewriter .

  18. 电传打字机交换网络用户电报直通交换机

    Teleprinter switching network telex telegraph exchange

  19. 在一些公司的办公室中配置的电传打字机和打印机叫做终端。

    The teletype machines and printers that the company has in its own offices are called terminals .

  20. 图灵自然对电传打字机非常熟悉,因为布莱切利和汉斯洛普都有这套东西。

    He was , of course , very familiar with the teleprinter system from Bletchley and Hanslope .

  21. 位串行电传打字机控制器选件

    Bit serial teletype controller option

  22. 国际电传打字机交换业务

    International teleprinter exchange service

  23. 专有名词用大写字母。于是我们改用一种专用打字机,即电传打字机。

    Proper nouns are spelled with a capital letter . Instead we can use a special typewriter called a teletype .

  24. 在电传打字机上键入几条指令,几秒钟后程序数据处理机即会反馈回信息。

    Type in a few instructions on the teletype machine and a few seconds later the PDP would type back its response .

  25. 电传打字机:一部设有键盘作输入,印字机作硬卷输出的终端机。

    Teleprinter : A terminal that includes a keyboard for input and a printer for output in the form of hard copy .

  26. 波德码是一位早期的法国电报工程师艾美波德的构思,很多电传打字机都采用这个体制。

    Baudot code was conceived by Emile Baudot , an early French telegraphic engineer , and is used in many teleprinter systems .

  27. 缓慢的,利用一台50岁的装有打孔纸带的电传打字机,他开始了打下“于人类事务发展的过程中……”

    Slowly , on a 50-year-old Teletype machine with punched-paper tape , he began to bang out " When in the Course of human events ... "

  28. 窗前那架华文打字机前坐着年青的打字员,机声匀整地响着。电传打字机看上去就像一台电动的打字机。

    At a desk under the window sat a young typist tapping steadily away at a Chinese typewriter . The teletype machine looks like an electric typewriter .

  29. 在电传打字机应用中,所有标记脉冲首部从它们的正常位置相对于启动脉冲首部的均匀位移。

    In teletypewriter applications , the uniform shifting of the beginning of all marking pulses from their proper positions in relation to the beginning of the start pulse .

  30. 学校主要靠家长提供的资金通过一种电传打字机进入电脑&即程序数据处理机。

    Funds were raised , mainly by parents , that enabled the school to gain access to a computer-a Program Data processor ( PDP ) - through a Teletype machine .