
jiǎ ké chóng
  • The Beatles;beetle
  1. 狐狸会挖草地,寻找美味的虫子和甲壳虫

    Foxes will scratch up grass to find tasty bug and beetle morsels .

  2. 别忘了,这家公司生产的甲壳虫(Beetle)轿车已经有65年的历史了。

    After all , this is the company that built the beetle for 65 years .

  3. 甲壳虫乐队——我是百听不厌。

    The Beatles — I never get tired of listening to them

  4. 直到1963年,甲壳虫乐队还只是半红不紫。

    The Beatles enjoyed only middling success until 1963 .

  5. 甲壳虫乐队于20世纪60年代初为世人所知。

    The Beatles were discovered in the early 1960 's.

  6. 多年以前,格伦迪给了甲壳虫乐队第一次在电视上亮相的机会。

    Many years earlier , Grundy had given The Beatles their first television break .

  7. 他在他的酒店举行了一场历时3个钟头的家庭卡拉OK演唱会,其间高歌了辛纳屈和甲壳虫乐队的一些热门歌曲。

    He held a three-hour family Karaoke session in his hotel , belting out Sinatra and Beatles hits .

  8. 许多摇滚乐队都能追随甲壳虫乐队的脚步。

    Many rock bands were able to follow in the footsteps of the Beatles .

  9. 这张甲壳虫乐队的CD在二手店才卖一英镑。

    I got this Beatles CD in the second-hand shop for a pound .

  10. 一个合集里面包括了四种乐器的表演片段,而令一个则是甲壳虫的专辑《修道院路》的B面。

    One medley included four instrumental pieces and the other consisted of songs from the B side of Abbey Road .

  11. 可以接一下《甲壳虫》乐队的CD吗?如果你觉得没问题的话,明天还你。

    Can I borrow your Beatles CD ? I 'll get it back to you tomorrow , if that 's OK .

  12. 除了老虎伍兹(TigerWoods)和莫扎特,另一个投入10000小时以上时间练习的例子便是甲壳虫乐队。

    Besides Tiger Woods and Mozart , another example of people who put in 10,000 hours were the Beatles .

  13. 最可能的选项是,创造一台像《爱》(Love)这样的演出。《爱》是太阳马戏团根据甲壳虫乐队(Beatles)的音乐创造的一个音乐剧。

    The most likely option would be to create something like " Love ," the Cirque du Soleil show built around Beatles tunes .

  14. 我是婴儿潮早期出生的那一代人。像许多同龄人一样,我的第一台车是一台大众甲壳虫(VolkswagenBeetle)。

    Like many members of my early baby boom generation , my first car was a Volkswagen Beetle .

  15. 我认为这个词是从新甲壳虫的设计师JMays那里流行起来的。

    I believe it was a term made popular by the car designer J Mays , who designed the new Beetle .

  16. 不过,这位在双城市(TwinCities)的市郊从事可持续农业生产的农夫,所做的事要离谱得多:在自己那辆2005年大众甲壳虫敞篷车的副驾座位地垫上,种出了一小块微型菜园(microgreen)。

    Rather , Ms. Millard , a sustainable farmer outside the Twin Cities , did something even more unlikely : she grew a crop of microgreens on the passenger-side floor mat of her 2005 VW Beetle convertible .

  17. 1962年初,为了获得迪卡唱片公司(DeccaRecords)的唱片合同,甲壳虫乐队(当时贝斯特还在)进行了试唱,却遭到了唱片公司的拒绝。

    In early 1962 , the Beatles ( with best ) auditioned for a recording contract with Decca records and they were turned down .

  18. 皮耶希是大众甲壳虫车设计者费迪南德保时捷(FerdinandPorsche)的外孙,费迪南德保时捷帮助创建了保时捷公司。皮耶希一直心怀合并两家公司的抱负。

    The grandson of Ferdinand Porsche , the designer of the VW Beetle who helped found Porsche , has long harboured an ambition to unite the two companies .

  19. 一队多数由年轻女子驾驶的柔和色调的大众甲壳虫(vwbeetles),排成庄严的单列纵队行进,为了保持队形甚至不惜闯红灯。

    A cortege of pastel-coloured VW beetles , driven mostly by young girls , proceeded past in stately single file , running red lights to stay in formation .

  20. 即将迁居至北京的美国人罗伯特•霍纳(RobertHoner)在第一次来到这座城市的时候偶然间看到了北京甲壳虫的演出。

    Robert Honer , an American citizen who will soon relocate to Beijing , caught the cover band 's act on his first visit to the city .

  21. 另外他们的形象也出现在了一些让人想不到的地方,比如在一场交响甲壳虫音乐演出的广告上,就出现了北京甲壳虫模仿的《艾比路》(AbbeyRoad)专辑封面画,而不是原版甲壳虫乐队的画面。

    And they 're finding their image appearing in some unexpected places such as an ad for a symphonic performance of Beatles music that included the Beijing group 's mock Abbey Road photo rather than a picture of the original group .

  22. 50年前,在世界其他地方对甲壳虫乐队(Beatles,又译披头士)陷入数十年的迷恋之时,这一历史上最轰动一时的音乐现象却与中国无缘。

    Fifty years ago , when the rest of the world fell into a decades-long frenzy over the Fab Four , one of the greatest sensations in music history left China untouched .

  23. 难怪在今天,当一位司机在听闻“北京甲壳虫乐队”(BeijingBeatles)将于某晚在中国首都演出的消息时,他会急切地询问:真的是甲壳虫乐队?

    Fast-forward to the present , and it 's understandable that a driver , upon hearing that the Beijing Beatles were performing in China 's capital one night , turned to his employer and earnestly asked , ' Is that really the Beatles ? '

  24. 这些应急用的唱片藏在画有断裂的手臂和盆骨的图画下,歌迷后来就用“骨头上的音乐”或者“肋骨上的唱片”指代这些专辑。其他音乐家也有X光的待遇,但是甲壳虫的有些特别。

    These jerry-rigged disks were covered in images of fractured arms and cracked pelvises , causing fans to refer to the albums as " music on the bones " or " records on ribs . " Other musicians received the X-ray treatment , but there was something special about The Beatles .

  25. 据称,大约600万女性观看了比赛,而曲线优美、可爱的菲亚特500因为广告上的拟人化表现成为了与大众甲壳虫和MiniCooper同一档次的“女性车”。

    Well , it turns out some six million women are said to watch NFL games , and the anthropomorphic appearance of the curvy-cute 500 lands it in the same company as other " chick cars " like the VW Beetle and the Mini Cooper .

  26. 她与潘科在购买她们自己的农场期间,就住在那辆甲壳虫微型植物基地的简约版里:一辆车龄25年的马车夫(Coachman)五轮野营车,是他们花2000美元(约合人民币12259元)从朋友手里买来的。

    While she and Ms. Pankow shopped for farmland of their own , they were dwelling in a downscale version of that VW Microgreen : a 25-year-old Coachman fifth-wheel camper they bought from friends for $ 2000 .

  27. 这是一个年轻人可以从别克(buick)、而不是2cv或甲壳虫(beetle)开始其驾车生活的世界;别克在中国比在美国的数十年都更受欢迎。

    This is a world where the young can start their motoring life with a Buick , not a 2CV or beetle ; Buicks are more popular in China than they have been in the US for decades .

  28. 排在其黑名单首位的就是甲壳虫——他们“利用肮脏、蓬乱的外表和音乐暗示,为我们与青年之间的障碍提供了基础”。FBI的头儿拒绝了埃尔维斯的帮助。

    At the top of his hit list were The Beatles , who 'd " laid the groundwork for many of the problems we are having with young people by their filthy , unkempt appearance and suggestive music . " The head of the FBI declined Elvis 's assistance .

  29. Susie和Danelle的组合带来了大范围的影响,包括纳京高或纳特•金•科尔、法兰克辛纳屈、甲壳虫乐队、佩特班纳塔、碧昂斯、蕾哈娜、仙妮亚•唐恩、凯斯•厄本在内的很多知名歌手及组合。

    Susie and Danelle bring together a wide range of musical influences . They include Nat King Cole and Frank Sinatra , the Beatles , Pat Benatar and Journey , Beyonce and Rihanna , and Shania Twain , Alabama , and Keith Urban .

  30. 《每日邮报》报道,英国工程师基于大众甲壳虫,改造出一种名为“Bio-Bug”的汽车,使用污水处理厂产生的沼气作为能源。

    British engineers have converted a Volkswagen Beetle into the " Bio-Bug ", a car powered by the biogas produced from human waste at sewage plants , the Daily Mail reported .