
shēnɡ wù shā chónɡ jì
  • biopesticide
  1. 微生物转化污泥制备苏云金杆菌生物杀虫剂

    Bioconversion of Sewage Sludge to Biopesticide by Bacillus thuringiensis

  2. 一些昆虫的兼性病原物,常用作生物杀虫剂。

    A facultative pathogen of some insect species commonly used as a biopesticide .

  3. 飞机喷洒苏特灵Bt生物杀虫剂防治松毛虫试验

    Prevention experiments on pine caterpillars of spraying Bt biotic pesticides by plane

  4. 苏特灵bt生物杀虫剂防治松毛虫持效的研究。

    The long-lasting effects of using suteling BT biological insecticides to prevent and control Dendrolimus sp.

  5. 杆状病毒是一类环状双链DNA病毒,其作为一种安全的生物杀虫剂以及外源蛋白的高效表达载体,已经在世界范围内得到了广泛的应用。

    Baculovirus is a kind of double-stranded circle large DNA virus , which has been widely developed as biopesticides and a powerful vector of foreign protein expressions .

  6. 尽管在生态环境保护方面具有无可比拟的优势,但Bt生物杀虫剂的使用仍然落后于合成的化学农药。

    Despite these ecological benefits , the use of Bt biopesticides has lagged behind the synthetic chemical pesticides .

  7. 本文报道G-P复合生物杀虫剂对大豆田蚜虫及其天敌毒效的室内测定和田间试验的结果。

    The results of laboratory test and field experiment on the toxicity of G P compound bioinsecticide to the aphid and its natural enemies in soybean field was reported in this paper .

  8. 高效生物杀虫剂BtA防治豇豆蚜虫试验及其残留分析

    Effect and residual of biocide BTA for the control of cowpea aphid

  9. 应用高效生物杀虫剂BtA和4种常用化学农药对豇豆蚜虫(Cowpeaaphid)进行田间防治药效对比试验,结果表明BtA800倍液对豇豆蚜虫有很好的防治效果。

    Using high efficient biocide BtA and 4 chemical insecticides to control cowpea aphid in a field trial was conducted .

  10. G-P复合生物杀虫剂防治麦蚜和菜蚜的研究

    Control effect of G P compound bioinsecticide on wheat aphids and vegetable aphids

  11. G-P复合生物杀虫剂对豆田蚜虫及其天敌的毒效测定

    Toxicity determination of G P compound bioinsecticide to the aphid and its natural enemies in soybean field

  12. 因此,在我国东南沿海地区要注意Btk制剂与Bt其他亚种制剂或其他生物杀虫剂轮换使用,以减小Bt制剂对小菜蛾的选择压力,延缓小菜蛾对Bt抗性的发展。

    So , it was proposed that the rotations of Btk with other Bt subspecies or other kinds of bioinsecticides should be encouraged in order to delay resistance development of P. xylostella in southeastern China .

  13. 利用运11型飞机喷洒苏特灵Bt生物杀虫剂防治松毛虫的试验研究,筛选出适宜的剂量、喷洒时间和喷雾方式,为大面积生产防治提供可靠数据。

    In this paper , prevention pine caterpillars experiments are carried out by using transportation plane 11 to spray Bt biotic pesticides , and the suitable dosage , spraying time and modes are selected out , it provides reliable data for prevention over an extensive area in production .

  14. 生物杀虫剂多杀菌素的中毒症状和作用机理

    Poisoning Symptom and Mode of Action of Bioinsecticide Spinosad

  15. 模式识别技术在生物杀虫剂苏云金杆菌生产中的应用

    Application of Neural Network Pattern Recognition to Discriminating the Production Conditions of Bacillus Thuringiensis

  16. 生物杀虫剂发展迅速。

    The development of biopesticides is progressing rapidly .

  17. 防治小菜蛾苏云金杆菌复合生物杀虫剂的研究

    Studies on the Controls of Diamondback Moth Plutella Xylostella by Complex Biological Pesticide of Bacillus Thuringiensis

  18. 生物杀虫剂杀灭蚊幼虫效果的现场观察

    Observation on the locale Apply Effect of Biotic Pesticide C_ ( 3-41 ) Against Mosquito Larva

  19. 生物杀虫剂千虫克对几种害虫的防治效果

    Effection Biological Insecticide QCK Control Insects

  20. 有许多可以替代细菌、病毒和真菌作为生物杀虫剂的物质。

    Many alternatives exist for the use of bacteria , viruses , and fungi as bioinsecticides .

  21. 例如,它们可用作生物杀虫剂,用于生产生物聚合体和表面活化剂。

    For example , they are employed as bioinsecticides and used to produce biopolymers and surfactants .

  22. 新的生物杀虫剂螨虫素对棉花、蔬菜害虫的毒力评价及应用技术研究

    Laboratory toxicity test and field experiment of new biopesticide ( 7051 ) against cotton and vegetable insects

  23. 两种复配剂与其它生物杀虫剂室内毒力和田间防效比较。

    The indoor toxicity and field protection effect of two complex agent and other bio-insecticide were compared .

  24. 寄生性膜翅目昆虫毒素显示了良好的应用前景,特别是在开发人类医药和特异性生物杀虫剂方面。

    Promising prospects for the utilization of insect toxins , especially as medicines or specific bioinsecticides , are discussed .

  25. 米尔贝被认为是目前最有前途的广谱、高效、新型、无交叉抗性的生物杀虫剂。

    Milbemycin is considered the most promising broad-spectrum , highly efficient , new pattern and no cross resistance biological pesticides .

  26. 张丙成现在使用一种生物杀虫剂对付斜纹夜蛾,这种杀虫剂利用一种病毒杀死斜纹夜蛾,却不会杀死其它昆虫。

    Zhang now uses a bio-pesticide , which uses a virus to kill the moth but not other insects , to tackle the problem .

  27. 由于生物杀虫剂的生产成本较高、田间不稳定性及抗虫谱窄等缺点,目前还远未能普遍使用。在资金的组织上,把主要精力放在低成本存款上。

    On the other hand , natural bio-insecticides haven 't got general application due to its high cost , field instability and narrow anti-insect spectrum .

  28. 我们进行了大量实践来达到这一目标,包括使用现有的不同种的化学杀虫剂、生物杀虫剂和新的杀虫剂。

    We discuss a number of practical ways to achieve this , including different use of existing chemical insecticides , biopesticides , and novel chemistry .

  29. 杆状病毒的应用主要有三个方面:作为生物杀虫剂;在昆虫或者昆虫细胞内表达外源蛋白;作为哺乳动物细胞的基因转移载体。

    It is used mainly in three aspects : used as pesticide ; to infect lavers or insect cells to express hetero-proteins ; and to deliver genes into mammalian cells .

  30. 生物杀虫剂多杀菌素是一类全新的杀虫剂,它具有神经毒剂特有的中毒症状,表现为身体的上升,非功能性肌肉收缩和震颤,最终衰竭,瘫痪。

    Bio-insecticide spinosad is a novel insecticide which shows the special neurotoxic poisoning symptom with an elevation of the body , involuntary muscle contractions and tremors , eventually prostrate and paralyzed .