
  • 网络Glass Thermometer;Liquid-in-glass Thermometer
  1. 与玻璃温度计比较,具有无汞害、读数清晰、坚固耐用的特点。

    Comparewith the glass thermometer , have no mercury damage , clean to read firmly features .

  2. CGR-1477型碳玻璃温度计对磁场的修正

    The temperature correction of type CGR-1477 carbon glass thermometer working in magnetic field

  3. 相续室温蠕变中屈服强度附近的应力应变行为附有刻度的玻璃温度计

    Stress-strain behaviors around the yield strength in sequential room temperature creep tests

  4. 渗碳玻璃温度计在强磁场中的温度测量

    Temperature measurements of carbon-glass thermometers in high magnetic fields

  5. 附有刻度的玻璃温度计高温传感材料&掺铒硅酸盐玻璃温度特性的研究

    Temperature Characteristics of Er3 ~ + - Doped Silicate Glass for High Temperature Sensing Material

  6. 本文介绍一种在实验室中用热用电阻,替代电接点玻璃温度计进行恒温控制的方法。

    This paper presents a method for thermostatic operation by replacing the contact glass-stem Thermometer with thermistor in laboratory .

  7. 玻璃液体温度计示值修正值测量结果不确定度的评定

    Uncertainty Assessment of Measured Correction Value of Glass Liquid Thermometer Readings

  8. 温度计显示的读数为32C.玻璃液体温度计数显读数装置的研究

    The Research for the Digital Displaying and Reading Device of Liquid-in-glass Thermometer

  9. 结合实际检测工作,根据JJG1059-1999《测量不确定度评定与表示》计量技术规范的要求,对工作用玻璃液体温度计示值修正值测量结果进行了不确定度分析与计算。

    Combining with practical measuring work , and according to JJG 1059-1999 Evaluation and Expression of Uncertainty , the uncertainty of measured correction value of glass liquid thermometer readings was analyzed and calculated .

  10. 玻璃热敏电阻温度计

    Critical temperature thermistor glass thermistor thermometer

  11. 所述常温测温计是一种具有护套的玻璃棒式温度计,它能够现场显示被测点温度值。

    The normal-temperature thermoscope is a glass-stem thermometer with a sheath , which can display the temperature value of the measured point on site .

  12. 锗-硼硅玻璃局部加热低温封接温度场研究(玻璃温度计的)感温泡

    On the Temperature Distribution in Localized Heating for Low Temperature Sealing of Germanium-Borosilicate Glass