
  • 网络margarita;Margherita;Margaritaville
  1. 如今他们夫妻二人有了自己的小公司&玛格丽塔清洁服务公司(Margarita'sCleaningServices),每个月要打扫45至50套房子,他们还雇佣了自己的第一名员工。

    Now their business , Margarita 's Cleaning Services , cleans 45 to 50 houses a month and has hired its first employee .

  2. 在极其不情愿地挣扎了一番之后,梅吉亚和妻子玛格丽塔(Margarita)干起了房屋清洁的工作。

    After substantial reluctance , Mr. Mejia and his wife , Margarita , turned to cleaning houses . '

  3. 那一年9月,玛格丽塔的儿子奥托(Otto)出生,包裹在V字形襁褓里。

    That September , Margherita 's son , Otto , was born , swaddled in chevron .

  4. 玛格丽塔披萨(PizzaMargherita)用时总计20到25分钟,成品为12至14英寸的披萨

    Pizza Margherita Total Time : 20-25 minutes Makes : one 12-14-inch pizza

  5. 在其伴侣克丽攠尔森(KerryOlsen)的坚持下,马尔凯蒂1年前在科莫定居了下来。奥尔森是一名作家兼记者,她希望让他们的女儿——3岁的玛格丽塔(Margherita)在有花园的房子里长大。

    Marchetti settled in Como permanently a year ago , at the insistence of his partner , Kerry Olsen , a writer and journalist , who wanted to raise their daughter , Margherita , three , in a house with a garden .

  6. 这3条建议包括鸡肉华夫饼和拉差辣椒酱,但起司蒜蓉面包占据头名(其他值得注意的建议是玛格丽塔和韩国烧烤)。

    ( other notable submissions were Margarita and Korean BBQ . )

  7. 她调的玛格丽塔好极了来一杯

    She makes a hell of a margarita . Want one ?

  8. 我那里几乎都是玛格丽塔酒。

    Where I 'm from , it 's mostly margaritas .

  9. 塞吉奥:你还能来一杯“纯洁的玛格丽塔”。

    Sergio : You can also have a virgin margarita .

  10. 什么才更原始,烈性苹果酒还是草莓玛格丽塔酒?

    Which is more primal , hard cider or a strawberry margarita ?

  11. 没有什么能够阻止我今晚演唱玛格丽塔!”

    And nothing is going to stop me singing Margarita tonight ! '

  12. 龙舌兰酒,玛格丽塔,科罗纳啤酒!

    Drink Specials on Margaritas , Tequila , and Corona !

  13. 或玛格丽塔鸡尾酒,任何一种你喜欢的酒都行。

    Or margarita . Whatever 's your favorite drink .

  14. 我最喜欢的一般玛格丽塔鸡尾酒一杯含有500多卡路里。

    The average margarita - my favorite - has more than 500 calories .

  15. 譬如圣玛格丽塔酒庄,就推出了绿色、橘色和粉红色葡萄酒。

    Like Bodega Santa Margarita , offers green , orange and pink wines .

  16. 又是《浮士德》,但是这一次由拉·卡洛塔演唱玛格丽塔。

    It was Faust again , but this time with La Carlotta singing Margarita .

  17. 我改主意了,我要来一杯“草莓玛格丽塔”。

    I 've changed my mind . I 'm going to have a strawberry margarita .

  18. 巴黎喜欢玛格丽塔的新演唱者—生活中的一切都是美好的。下一场晚场歌剧是在星期五,

    Paris liked the new Margarita-everything in life was good.The next opera night was Friday .

  19. 我去拿两杯玛格丽塔酒。

    I went to get us margaritas .

  20. 西班牙语课上的玛格丽塔鸡尾酒。

    Spanish class has kick-ass margaritas .

  21. 你就不能跟其他寂寞的白妞一样买瓶玛格丽塔借酒浇愁吗?

    Why didn 't you just buy a Skinnygirl margarita like all the other lonely white chicks ?

  22. 特拉普一家藏在修道院里,玛格丽塔修女告诉他们边关已经关闭了。

    The family hides at the Abbey , and Sister Margaretta tells them that the borders have been closed .

  23. 做一份玛格丽塔披萨,做一份美式热披萨,但这样话要准备三份披萨了。

    Do one 's margarita , do one 's American hot , but about three pizzas in do this .

  24. 如果你爱喝龙舌兰,那就不要喝玛格丽塔鸡尾酒,不然你最后会醉到摇摇晃晃、步履蹒跚。

    If you have a penchant for tequila , avoid the margaritas before you end up tossing back too many .

  25. “圣玛格丽塔”寻宝活动开始于25年前,当时的负责人是西礁岛已故寻宝专家梅尔•费舍尔。

    The search for Santa Margarita artifacts began more than a quarter-century ago by the late Key West treasure hunter Mel Fisher .

  26. 据库鲁兹介绍,拉斐尔的学生总在竭尽全力掩盖玛格丽塔-卢蒂的存在。

    However , Raphael 's students made efforts to draw a veil over Luti 's existence , according to Mr Bernardelli Curuz .

  27. 然后这两位先生就谈论起当晚的歌剧来。当晚的歌剧是《浮士德》,通常由拉·卡洛塔演唱玛格丽塔。

    The two men then talked about the opera for that night . It was Faust , and usually La Carlotta sang Margarita .

  28. 我们都知道,冰镇玛格丽塔和代奇力(两种鸡尾酒名)都有多诱人,但戒除饮用这些含糖酒水会避免增加好几吨卡路里。

    We all know how tempting frozen margaritas and daiquiris can be , but eliminating those sugary drinks will save you tons of calories .

  29. 吃个快餐、晚上喝的五杯玛格丽塔酒酒劲还没过,第二天醒来还感觉良好。

    That fast food and the five margaritas you downed the night before burn right off and you wake up the next morning feeling fine .

  30. 联合国国际减灾署特派员玛格丽塔。瓦尔斯特伦说,亚洲沿海城市还需要更积极地建造防洪抗灾及疏导工程,同时要改进城市规划。

    UNISDR 's Margareta Wahlstrom says coastal cities in Asia also need to build in greater resilience in flood prevention and mitigation , together with improved urban planning .