
  • Wang Yue;【人名】Yue Wang
  1. 王月一幅画大概要花半小时到三个小时的时间不等。

    Wang spent between half an hour and three hours on each painting .

  2. 几件简单的工具,王月可以全神贯注地画上一天。

    With her simple tools , Wang can draw attentively for a whole day .

  3. 王月说:进行这项美化工程,最重要的是要尊重自然。

    The most important thing is to respect nature when you beautify the incomplete .

  4. 但王月担心这些颜料会对树木有害。

    But Wang was worried that the pigments in her watercolors could hurt the trees .

  5. 王月将树洞画形容成一个美丽的旅途,通过它们来为自己的家乡增添乐趣和活力。

    Wang describes her tree hole paintings as a beautiful journey through which she adds fun and vitality to her hometown .

  6. 慢慢地,王月在这座冬季总是被雾霾笼罩的城市中打造了一个童话世界。

    Gradually , she created a fairytale world in the city , which is always covered by fog and haze in the winters .

  7. 今年24岁的王月表示,她的大多数朋友都做过某种形式整形手术,因为我们希望变得更漂亮。

    Ms. Wang , 24 , said most of her friends had some form of plastic surgery because we want to be more beautiful .

  8. 王月说:我看到街边树木落光了叶子,树干上丑陋不堪的树洞十分显眼。

    When I saw that the trees by the roadside had lost all their leaves , the ugly tree holes became obvious , she said .

  9. 在咨询了环境专家并获得城市有关部门的许可后,王月拿起了调色板和画笔,带上小马扎,开始了作画。

    After consulting environmental specialists and getting permission from city officials , Wang gathered her color palette , brushes and a stool and got to work .

  10. 今年24岁的王月表示,她的大多数朋友都做过某种形式整形手术,“因为我们希望变得更漂亮。”她不假思索地说出了整形的好处,比如可能会赚更多钱。

    Ms. Wang , 24 , said most of her friends had some form of plastic surgery " because we want to be more beautiful . " She rattled off the benefits , like the chances of making more money .

  11. 我选择现在做,因为我觉得以后做会更难,来自北京的王月(音)说。这位声音柔和的女性在接受采访前几天做了双眼皮、隆鼻和面部轮廓重塑手术。

    I did it now because I thought it would be harder to do later on , said Wang Yue , a soft-spoken woman from Beijing who spoke days after a double eyelid procedure , a nose implant and facial contouring .