
  1. 王旭峰说,饮食睡眠不规律的后果便是人们普遍感到没有胃口。

    After irregular eating and sleeping , it is common for people to lose their appetites too , Wang said .

  2. 王旭峰说,她性格很执着,成绩总在全班前十名。

    She was very diligent in her studies and always ranked in the top 10 of the class in exams , Wang said .

  3. 王旭峰补充说:大量的醋、新鲜柠檬、西红柿不仅能帮助调味,还能唤醒你的肠胃。

    " Lots of vinegar , fresh lemon and tomato , it zests up the food and wakes up your stomach ," he added .

  4. 刘洋的一名高中同学王旭峰说,她在高中不太爱说话,但是对同学很友善。

    Wang Xufeng , one of Liu 's high school classmates , said she was not talkative in high school but very friendly to the other classmates .