- 网络Stephen Green;Zhihao

HSBC Chairman Stephen Green admits the global financial system had come under what he calls'extreme strain'in2007 .
The stimulus plan is " an aspirational target " rather than a detailed blueprint , says Stephen Green , economist at Standard Chartered in Shanghai .
By using gross domestic product as a measure of change , he devised a'China years'table .
Green is quick to note that'GDP can 't explain everything , 'adding that he was just trying to have some fun .
China 's FX reserves seem to have turned into some kind of massive black hole for the world 's liquidity , says Stephen Green , economist at Standard Chartered .
" They can keep the boom going and this will be the softest landing in history , " said Stephen Green , chief China economist at Standard Chartered Bank .
However Stephen Green , an economist at Standard Chartered , forecasts the current account surplus this year will be above 8 per cent of GDP , still extremely high .
Property investment accounts for 8 % of the gross domestic product , a large chunk of the world 's No. 2 economy , estimates Standard Chartered economist Stephen Green .
Stephen Green , a senior economist at Standard Chartered Bank in Shanghai , continually found himself marveling with visiting friends at the pace of change and struggling to describe what he saw .
" This is the first thing you would expect the authorities to say before they begin to moderate policy , " said Stephen Green , economist at Standard Chartered in Shanghai .
Stephen Green , China economist at Standard Chartered , has little doubt Beijing will continue to let the renminbi appreciate by an annual 4 or 5 per cent for at least the next two years .
The report , authored by bank economist Stephen Green , quoted an unidentified Chinese banker describing the laborious process involved in making a loan to SMEs - or small - and medium-sized enterprises which are often privately owned .
The key for the leadership will be balancing the pro - and anti-growth ref # 173 ; or # 173 ; ms and implementing them in the right sequen # 173 ; ce , says Stephen Green , head of research for greater China at Standard Chartered .
" Soon " is unlikely to be good enough for Washington , warns Mr Green .
The trade surplus will also continue to swell in 2008 , albeit at a slower pace , Mr Green argued .
" It is hard to see how this game can continue without an unhappy ending , " says Mr Green .
After all this economic sleuth work , Green says he concluded that credit growth was probably the best leading indicator after all .
" Maybe they panicked a little bit in 2004 , " Mr Green says . " But they are not panicking now . "
Stephen Green , a China economist at Standard Chartered noted in a report in early February that at least seven cities saw land prices triple in2009 .
Mr Green says the US downturn has clearly created an angry public , and notes that underlying unease about free trade is coming to the fore .
Green sought to use data on sales of excavators and wheel-loaders and cement production as clues to the way investment is headed over the next few months .
If China does not make an obvious move away from its US dollar peg in the next month , Washington could impose trade sanctions , says Mr Green .
There is also increasing reluctance to take measures that would help counter inflation but put growth at risk , such as further increases in interest rates , he says .
China is entering an awkward phase now where inflation will stay higher than 5 per cent in the coming months but growth will continue to decelerate , Mr Green said .
Mr Green notes that it is possible that hot money has been flowing out for years but in the past it has been overwhelmed by inflows and therefore was less visible .
To complicate matters , Green found that households had invested in such machinery on the basis that a few years ' renting it out would provide a better return than a bank account .
Growth in cement production , generally a good proxy , was also found to march in step with real investment growth so was not as useful in predicting how the next six months would play out .
Overall , it looks like China 's US holdings , as a ratio of its total holdings , are still within the normal historical range of about 68 per cent of its total reserves by the end of 2009 , Mr Green said .
Even if Beijing were not concerned about the US fiscal situation and / or the US dollar , the yields on offer in the euro market would likely be attractive enough for it to diversify into Europe at the margin , Mr Green said .