
  • 网络Wang Shouren;Wang Yangming
  1. 依归王守仁心学,强调“悟”,讲学授徒,修建书院、学校,提倡教育;亲近佛教、道教,乐善好施,对当时及后世产生了一定影响。

    He believed in Wang Yangming s learning , and built academy of classical learning to educate students , at the same time , he was close to Buddhism and Daoism .

  2. 王守仁在常德的诗歌创作

    On Poems Written by Wang Shou - ren at Chang de

  3. 这三大方面的内容反映了王守仁犯罪预防思想的主要特性。

    These three aspects reflect the main features of Wang Shou-ren crime prevention ideas .

  4. 王守仁与明末清初思想解放潮流

    Wang Shou-ren & the Trend of Ideological Emancipation of Late Ming and Early Qing Dynasty

  5. 第五章总结王守仁散文的艺术特色及其在文学史上的地位。

    Fifth chapters sum up Wang Shou Ren prose art characteristic and their position on history of literature .

  6. 第四章根据王守仁散文的不同体例分别论述其思想内容和风格特色。

    Fourth chapters discuss whose thought content and the style characteristic respectively according to Wang Shou Ren prose style diversity .

  7. 第四部分是文章的重点,对王守仁犯罪预防思想的实践活动做了较全面的分析和论述。

    The fourth part is the focus of the article , Wang Shou-ren crime prevention thinking practice to do a more comprehensive analysis and discussion .

  8. 作为明代儒家思想的集大成者,王守仁在继承天理王道思想的基础上,提升了个体主观能动性的主体地位。

    As a master of Confucianism in the Ming Dynasty , Wang Shou-ren inherit the heavenly king thought to enhance the dominant position of individual initiative .

  9. 明朝最伟大的哲学家是王阳明(王守仁),他认为,人可以不学习、不研究理学,其良知就能让其达到善界。

    The greatest Ming philosopher is Wang Yangming or Wang Shouren . He proposed that an innate knowledge enable man to reach goodness even without learning or studying the Confucian Classics .

  10. 在此基础上,教化成为主要预防措施,王守仁重视对人的伦理教育,用儒家礼法改造人的自然性中先天存有的弱点,从而完善人格,预防犯罪。

    On this basis , educate primary prevention measures , Wang Shou-ren attaches great importance to ethics education , Confucian rites transform the natural innate inherent weakness , to improve the personality , and crime prevention .

  11. 综合分析王守仁的犯罪预防思想,其核心在于回归人的本心,达到互利共赢的价值追求。

    Comprehensive analysis of Wang Shou-ren of the crime prevention ideas , its core is to return to the original mind of the person to reach the value of the pursuit of mutually beneficial and win-win .

  12. 第三部分详细阐释王守仁犯罪预防思想的三大主要内容,破心中贼的思想,从人的思想意识出发进行犯罪预防。

    The three major content of the third part of the elaborate Wang Shou-ren crime prevention thinking ," thinking of the " broken the hearts of thieves , the departure from the ideology of crime prevention .

  13. 结语部分总结王守仁诗歌创作与散文作品的整体成就和个性特征及其对中晚明文坛的深远影响。

    The concluding remarks part sums up Wang Shou Ren poetry and song creating overall accomplishment and personality characteristics with prose work , far-reaching bright late centring literary circles effect and their far-reaching bright late centring literary circles effect .

  14. 馀论部分探讨王守仁心学对中晚明文学思潮的影响,以及这一时期独特的文学现象同心学的内在联系。

    Spare time comments on a part discussing an impact of Wang Shou Ren philosophy of the mind over bright late middle literature trend of thought , inner link expecting distinctive literature phenomenon study of Tong Xin as well as this is momentary .

  15. 第一部分引言,通过整理目前学术界对王守仁相关思想的研究概况,发现在其犯罪预防法律思想方面的研究欠缺,从而引导出写作本文的目的。

    The first part of the introduction , finishing overview of current academic research on the related ideas of Wang Shou-ren , found the lack of legal thinking in its crime prevention , in order to guide the purpose of writing this article .