
  1. 基于GIS的物资运输最优化配置方案设计

    GIS Based Design of Optimum Distribution Schema on Goods Transportation

  2. 利用GIS网络分析技术、数学模型并结合传统的优化解法,设计了基于GIS的城市物资运输最优化配置的设计方案。

    The approach , which combines GIS network analysis , mathematical model and traditional optimum method , is used to design the optimum distribution schema on goods transportation .

  3. 采用AMT方法,设计并实现了动态环境下物资运输调配系统MADTS。

    We designed and implemented dynamic material scheduling system MADTS by AMT .

  4. 同时对于提高公路施工单位的管理水平,都具有十分重要的现实意义。W项目是甘肃陇南重灾区灾后恢复重建物资运输的重要通道,承担着繁重的运输任务。

    Meanwhile , it has very vital practical significance in improving the management level of highway construction unit . W project is an important passage for transporting reconstruction commodity after the disaster in Longnan , Gansu province . It undertakes an arduous transportation task .

  5. 我父亲告诉我,二战期间,他的父亲是英国海军一艘扫雷艇的船长。他的任务是找到并引爆第三帝国(ThirdReich)海军布设的水雷,保障从美国到英国的军需物资运输路线畅通。

    As my father tells it , his father was the captain of a British Navy minesweeper in World War II , a job that required finding and blowing up mines laid by the navy of the Third Reich to disrupt shipments of war supplies from the United States to Britain .

  6. 但是,俄罗斯设置的路障防碍了许多地方的物资运输。

    But Russian roadblocks are impeding the flow in many places .

  7. 基于模糊需求的灾后应急救援物资运输模型

    Transportation model based on fuzzy demands in emergency relief materials after disaster

  8. 大规模应急物资运输问题的研究现状与发展方向

    A Survey of Large-scale Emergency Relief 's Transportation Problem

  9. 常吉高速公路物资运输管理存在的问题与对策

    Some Problems and Countermeasures in the Transportation Management of Materials on Changji Highway

  10. 多品种物资运输问题的优化分析

    Optimum Analysis on Transportation Problem with multi - Materials

  11. 灾区物资运输最优路径规划及调度方案

    The optimal path planning and scheduling of transporting supplies to the disaster areas

  12. 基于遗传算法的应急物资运输调度

    Disaster-Relief Commodity Transport Schedule Based on Genetic Algorithms

  13. 提供救灾物资运输条件。

    Provide carrying for material of rescue .

  14. 线性规划在物资运输中的应用

    Application of Linear Programming in Material Transportation

  15. 然而对于突发事件的应急管理及物资运输,其最大的特点就在于它的高度的不确定性。

    However , the obvious feature of emergency management and transportation of materials is its uncertainty .

  16. 对国际恐怖主义者来说,物资运输、信息交流和资金流通尤为重要。

    International terrorists , moreover , need to be able to travel , communicate and transfer funds ;

  17. 分析了有严格时间限制的大宗物资运输车辆配置问题的特点。

    The paper analyzes the character of vehicle configure problem of large-quantity cargoes transportation with strict time constraint .

  18. 在应急物资运输管理中,设计了运输方案、定位监控以及运输过程可视化。

    In transportation management of emergency facility , this paper designs transportation program , implements location monitoring and transport visualization .

  19. 铁路是我国交通运输的骨干,承载着关系国计民生的大宗物资运输任务。

    Railway transportation plays an indispensable role in Chinese transportation , especially in the transport of bulk goods related to peoples ' livelihood .

  20. 联合国将泰国一个机场的一个区域清理出来用于将救援物资运输给缅甸遭受飓风的灾民。

    The United Nations has cleared an area at an airport in the capital of Thailand for transporting aid to cyclone survivors in Burma .

  21. 一种基于线性规划及对偶分析的战场物资运输的指挥控制方法为解决此类问题提供了一种可行途径。

    This paper proposes a command and control method of the battlefield materials transportation , which is based on linear programming and dual analysis .

  22. 结合决策支持系统理论,建立了军械物资运输决策支持系统总体结构,设计了各子系统结构。

    With the decision support system theory , the structure of ordnance material transportation was established , and the structure of each subsystem was designed .

  23. 设计了适合求解应急物资运输调度模型的遗传算法,从编码方法、适应度函数、遗传算子等方面对传统遗传算法进行了改进。

    The genetic arithmetic suiting to the mathematics model is designed , and the traditional genetic code , fitness function computation , genetic operators are ameliorated .

  24. 在铁路、水运、公路、航空和管道五种基本的运输方式中,铁路和水运是长距离大宗物资运输的主体。

    Railways , waterways , highways , aviation and pipeline are five basic modes of transportation , and , rail and water transport are the main long-distance bulk transport .

  25. 近年发展迅速,承担了珠海市的能源、原材料、外贸物资运输任务,对珠海市外向型经济和临港工业发展发挥了重要作用。

    With the development of Zhuhai , Zhuhai port plays a significant role in the transportation of energy , raw material and external cargo and the development of export-oriented economy and harbor industry .

  26. 总结了突发事件环境下救援物资运输问题的限制条件,据此设计并解决了救援物资运输与车辆调度模型与可靠路径选择模型。

    Based upon the summarization of restrictive conditions of relief commodity transportation conduced by emergency , a model of relief commodity transportation , vehicle scheduling and reliable path finding was contrived and figured out .

  27. 最后展望了其研究前景,指出遗传算法、禁忌搜索算法等亚启发式算法对于解决救援物资运输问题具有重要意义。

    At last the authors expect research trend of this problem and point out the meta-heuristic , such as Genetic Algorithm and Stimulated Annealing , has a significance to solution of relief transportation problem .

  28. 大宗货物直达列车的开行是我国铁路适应社会货运需求,确保国家重点物资运输,促进国民经济平稳快速发展的重要保证。

    The operating of through trains for mass goods is important to meet social transportation demand , to ensure transportation of national key material , and to promote steady and rapid development of national economy .

  29. 我国是一个内河资源非常丰富的国家,在经济高速发展,能源以及其他物资运输压力倍增的情况下,水运的优势更加显露。

    China is a country with abundant freshwater resources , especially for the advantage of waterborne transportation under the situation of increasing pressure for other means of transportation of energy and other supplies due to high-speed economic development .

  30. 其发动民众参与战时驿运,开辟战时驿运路线,承担军公商各类物资运输,甚得政府与社会人士赞许。

    It called on the people to participate in the wartime post-station transportation , developed the wartime post-station transportation route , and undertook each kind of supplies conveyance , so it got the government to endorse very much .