
  • 网络Said Business School;Said Business School, University of Oxford;University of Oxford - Sa?d Business School;Oxford University, Said Business School
  1. 但近来,克里斯普换了个职业,到牛津大学赛德商学院(saidbusinessschool)教授商业、法律和管理技能课程。

    But these days , crisp has moved into a new career , teaching business , law and management skills at the said business school in Oxford .

  2. ——牛津大学赛德商学院(Sa?dBusinessSchool,UniversityofOxford)管理研究教授蒂姆?莫里斯(TimMorris)

    Tim Morris , professor of management studies , Sa ? d Business School , University of Oxford

  3. 但正如牛津大学(Oxford)赛德商学院(SaïdBusinessSchool)的科林•迈耶(ColinMayer)在其精彩著作《坚定承诺》(FirmCommitment)中论述的那样,这种看法也忽视了公司的真正目的。

    But , as Colin Mayer of Oxford 's Sa ï d Business School argues in his splendid book , Firm Commitment , this approach also misses the true purpose of the company .