
  • 网络Bodleian;the Bodleian Library
  1. 宾客厅被改装一番,使它看似与牛津市的牛津大学图书馆一模一样。牛津大学图书馆在第一部电影中被使用过。

    It was rebuilt to look identical to the17 Bodleian Library in Oxford which was used in the first movie .

  2. 当我在导师课后漫步布罗德街时,我又意识到,我的脚下是牛津大学图书馆的庞大书库。

    When I walked down Broad Street after my tutorial , I was again aware that under my feet were the great collections of the Bodleian .

  3. 本文旨在探讨英国缴存制度对牛津大学巴德里图书馆馆藏发展的影响情形。

    The article intends to probe into the relationship between Copyright deposits and the collection development in the Bodleian Library .