
  • 网络dairy farm;Dairy Farm International;Dairy Farm International Holdings Limited;Dairy Farm International Holdings
  1. 牛奶国际已在运营一些颇受欢迎的亚洲连锁超市比如顶好超市(Wellcome)以及健康与美容产品超市万宁(Mannings)。

    Dairy Farm already operates popular Asian supermarket chains such as Wellcome and the health and beauty chain Mannings .

  2. 人们认为,英国零售商特易购最有可能成为马来西亚及新加坡资产的商业竞购者,但新加坡上市零售商牛奶国际(dairyfarm)及日本零售集团永旺(aeon)可能也会感兴趣。

    Tesco , the UK retailer , is regarded as the most likely trade bidder for the Malaysia and Singapore assets , but dairy farm , the Singapore-listed retailer and AEON , the Japanese retail group , could be interested .

  3. 怡和集团(JardineMatheson)旗下亚洲零售子公司牛奶国际(DairyFarmInternational)同意斥资9.25亿美元收购中国地区性超市连锁企业永辉超市(Yonghui)的少数股权,勇敢进入境外零售商迄今难以打开局面的中国零售行业。

    Dairy Farm International , the Asian retail arm of Jardine Matheson , has agreed to pay $ 925m for a minority stake in a regional Chinese hypermarket chain Yonghui , braving a sector that has proved difficult to foreign retailers .