
  1. 爱谁谁我不感兴趣

    Okay , whatever it is , I 'm just not interested .

  2. 不管大事小事,不管爱谁恨谁,雷切尔小姐总是有自己的主见和喜怒哀乐。

    In little things and great , with people she loved , and people she hated , Miss Rachel always went on a way of her own , sufficient for herself in the joys and sorrows of her life .

  3. “我爱嫁谁就嫁谁,”思嘉无动于衷说。

    " I shall marry whom I please ," said Scarlett coldly .

  4. 但是,生活是关于你爱谁和伤害了谁的问题。

    But , life is about who you love and who you hurt .

  5. 一个人爱谁、不爱谁是自由选择的。

    Love a person who does not love who is a free choice .

  6. 在情人节这一天,人们爱谁或想得到谁的爱,就可给那个人寄去充满浪漫情趣的卡片。

    On Valentine 's Day people ususlly send romantic cards to someone they love or want to be loved by .

  7. 爱人之间争执谁爱谁更多一些,谁为对方付出更多些不足为奇。

    Between lover , it won 't surprise they argue about who love more than each other , who thought or contribute more for the other side .

  8. 他严肃,不和邻居们开玩笑,所以人们都觉得他很冷漠。可他爱谁或是恨谁时,却是全心全意的。

    Because he was serious , and did not joke with his neighbours , people thought he was cold But when he loved or hated , it was with his whole heart .