
  • 网络Love'S Secret;Secrets Of love;Inventing the Abbotts;SECRET OF MY LOVE
  1. 每个女孩都保守着爱的秘密。

    Each girl kept her love a secret .

  2. 爱的秘密黄雨石译

    Love 's Secret by William Blake

  3. 另一个爱的秘密是觉得你自己很特别,全世界中只有一个你。

    Another secret of love is knowing that you are yourself special , that in all the world there is only one of you .

  4. 这是我正在秘密的对你传递我爱你的秘密。

    This is that I am in course of clandestine transfer me to you loving your secret .

  5. 今晚,棕榈树叶沙沙作响,大海浪涛滚滚,满月呵,你是从哪个未知苍穹默默带来了这般爱的伤痛秘密?

    To-night there is a stir among the palm leaves , a swell in the sea , Full Moon , from what unknown sky hast thou carried in thy silence the aching secret of love ?

  6. 但是我也不想对我所爱的人保守秘密。

    But nor do Iwant to keep a secret from the person I love .

  7. 你有一个空气中充满了神秘感和爱一个良好的秘密。

    You have an air of mystery and love a good secret .

  8. 爱是我唯一的秘密。

    Love is my only secret .