
xióng hóu
  • Assamese macaque
熊猴[xióng hóu]
  1. 一个探索恒河猴和熊猴数量守恒的实验研究

    A study on conservation of quantity in rhesus monkeys and Assamese macaque

  2. 方法无自然感染HBV的健康熊猴5只(其中2只预先经环磷酰胺处理),经60Co全身照射处理的恒河猴2只,分别接种HBV携带者血清。

    Methods Five healthy Macaca assamensis ( 2 animals were dealt with cyclophosphamide first ) and two rhesus monkeys dealt with 60Co total body radiation were inoculated with 2 ml sera of a chronic asymptomatic virus carrier by venous injection , respectively .

  3. 笼养熊猴等级结构及其对育婴影响的研究

    Ranking structure among Macaca assamensis and effect on raising infant in breeding cages

  4. 作者观察了猪尾猴疟原虫广西株在熊猴和猕猴肝内第6、7、8天的红前期裂殖体。

    A description was made on the morphology and development of the pre-erythrocytic stage of Plasmodium inui Guangxi strain seen in liver biopsies and made on day 6 , 7 and 8 after inoculation of sporozoites of the parasite .