
  • 网络welded connection;Solder Connection;solder joint;Welded Bonds
  1. 先从梁柱节点受弯变形的机理入手,推导出钢框架梁柱焊接连接节点的初始刚度计算公式。

    The formula calculating the initial stiffness of welded connection of steel frame was drawn according to bending deformation mechanism of joint zone of welded steel frame .

  2. 所有这些项目将进行焊接连接吗?

    Are all these items intend to use weld connection ?

  3. 路轨跳线爆炸焊接连接技术试验研究

    Experimental Study on Explosive Welding Technique for Rail Skip-string

  4. 安装焊接连接端口的阀门时,应该采用普通焊接技术。

    When installing solder end valves , conventional soldering techniques should be used .

  5. 阀体应该是焊接连接,三件式结构,便于铜焊安装时的拆卸。

    Valve body shall have solder ends and 3-pc. design permitting disassembly for brazing installation .

  6. 强震下钢框架梁柱焊接连接的断裂行为

    Fracture Behavior of Welded Beam to column Connections of Steel Moment Frames under Severe Earthquakes

  7. 通过焊接连接处的开孔

    Openings through welded joints

  8. 设计应选取合适的节点类型,严格控制不同部位的焊缝质量等级以保证焊接连接的质量。

    The proper joints style should be selected and the connection quality of welding should be guaranteed by controlling the welding quality grade .

  9. 此种新型的高性能铝-钢复合过渡接头为大中型船舶铝合金、钢结构的焊接连接提供了新的发展思路。

    This new and high-performance Al-St composited transitional joint provides new developmental thread for welding of large and medium-sized ship al alloy and steel structure .

  10. 压力管道组合管件指将工程中常用的两个或两个以上相邻的需通过现场焊接连接的管件(管子)作为一个整体进行设计、加工的组合件。

    The combination plumbing of pressure pipes is two or more adjacent on-site welding pressure pipes which are regarded designed and machininged as a whole .

  11. 由于焊接连接的本身特点,在焊缝处存在应力集中、焊缝缺陷和焊接残余应力。

    Since its characteristic in linking up , there are concentration of stresses and kinds of defects and remains of stresses in the welding joints .

  12. 最后,以降低梁柱焊接连接缺陷敏感度为目标探讨了脆性断裂的预防。

    Finally , the ways of improving the ductility of the beam to column joints and avoiding the defect sensitivity of the welded connections are discussed .

  13. 采用焊接连接形式,优点是制造方便,连接强度高,缺点是会造成焊接缺陷、产生残余应力、引起管板变形。

    With welding connection , there are convenient manufacturing and connect high strength , but there are welding defects , the residual stress and tube plate deformation .

  14. 将原框架节点的后植钢筋与外套框架柱的预埋钢筋焊接连接,来实现新旧结构在各层的链杆连接。

    The post-installed steel bars in the original frame joints are welded with embedded steel bars in the outer columns to work as the connection at each floor .

  15. 试验和理论分析表明:梁柱节点分别为焊接连接、端板连接、角钢焊接时,其结构的周期依次增大;

    The test and analysis show that the period of frames in-crease in turn for the weld connection 's , the end-plate connection 's and the angle connection 's steel frame respectively .

  16. 功率的瞬间开关引起的温度波动,或者外部元器件通常经历的周围环境温度改变,结果导致由于热膨胀系数不匹配造成的焊接连接层塑性应变变形。

    Temperature fluctuations caused by power transients or environmental changes commonly experienced in external applications results in thermal expansion mismatch between the various package materials causing the plastic strain deformation of the solder interconnects .

  17. 管道运输是继铁路、公路、水路和航空运输之后的第五大运输方式,而金属管道非焊接连接新方法是石油、天然气等行业急需开发的技术。

    It was born after the railway transportation , road transportation , waterway transportation and air transportation . Non-welding connection method of metal pipe is a badly-needed technology in oil and natural gas industry .

  18. 同时,将近似为刚性连接的全焊接连接和典型的半刚性连接&外伸式端板螺栓连接之间的初始刚度进行对比。

    At the same time , the initial rigidity of extended end-plate bolted connections which regarded typical semi-rigid connections and the initial rigidity of weld connections which regarded approximate rigid connections are compared in the paper .

  19. 正交异性板桥面绝大部分板件是通过焊接连接,由此产生的复杂的焊接残余应力降低了焊接部位材料的比例极限、抗疲劳、抗腐蚀等性能。

    Most orthotropic steel bridge decks are connected by welding , this kind of connection lead to complex welding residual stress , which reduces the proportional limit of the material , weakened the materials ' anti-fatigue , anti-corrosion and other properties .

  20. 钢结构连接是钢结构构件的重要组成部分,本文结合工程实践,着重对钢结构中广泛应用的连接形式,如焊接连接、普通螺栓连接、高强度螺栓连接和混合连接等进行了叙述。

    The connection of steel structures is an important part for the steel structural member . The types of connections which are commonly used in practical engineering , such as welding , bolting , high-strength bolting and mixed connections are discussed in this paper .

  21. 第一,进行了外伸式端板螺栓连接节点和全焊接连接节点的足尺试验,分析了它们的承载力、试验破坏现象等,通过有限元分析了各个加载阶段螺栓、端板等受力情况;

    The main scopes of this paper includes : 1 , Extended end-plate bolted connections and weld connections are tested , bearing capacity , destroy phenomena of test are investigated , by means of finite element , bolt and end-plate performance in every load phase are analyzed .

  22. 梁式引线带自动焊接器连接含氧感知器线路。

    Beam tape automated bonder Connect oxygen sensor wiring .

  23. 以液封代替安全阀,大部分管路以焊接方式连接;

    Substituting liquid seal for safety valve ; connecting general pipings with welding way ;

  24. 本文提出了用真空固态热扩散焊接工艺连接金属分层板的方法。

    A process connecting metallic slice sheet by diffusion welding is also put forwarded in this dissertation .

  25. 要实现非焊接法兰连接的管需进行预加工,其方法之一是采用旋压,即对管口进行旋压翻边,形成管端法兰。

    One of the used methods is spinning , that is spinning flanging for pipe , forming end-of-pipe flange .

  26. 发展先进的焊接/连接方法和技术,使之与新型材料的发展步伐相匹配。

    The development of new structural materials should be matched by exploring new methods and technologies in welding / joining .

  27. 高品质不锈钢的管道阀门,无缝焊接的连接口,以保证绝对的气体密闭性和管道系统的耐用性。

    High quality stainless pipe valve and seamless welded joint can ensure absolutely air conurbation and durability of pipe system .

  28. 新材料研究取得重大进展,但其工程应用却受到焊接/连接技术的制约。

    Tremendous progress has been made in Material Science , but engineering applications of new materials are limited by weilding / joining .

  29. 为加快隔水管海上施工,缩短工程工期,采用快速接头代替焊接来连接各管段。

    In order to accelerate offshore conductor construction and shorten project period , the quick coupling was used to connect sections instead of welding .

  30. 采用焊接方法连接的碳钢碱液输送线在温度较高(50℃以上)的情况下使用时,存在着应力腐蚀,焊口经常发生开裂。

    When the welded connection of carbon steel caustic piping was operated at higher temperature ( over 50 ℃), it suffered stress corrosion and frequent weld seam cracking .