
  • 网络welded mesh;welded fabric;welded wire mesh
  1. 基于PLC的钢筋焊接网生产线控制系统的研究

    Development on control system of production line for welding reinforcing steel mesh based on PLC

  2. 运行结果表明,PLC的应用大大提高了钢筋焊接网自动化生产线的生产效率和产品质量,方便了生产过程的控制和管理。

    The operation shows that the producing efficiency and output quality is greatly improved and the control and manager is easier .

  3. 深圳市市民中心工程钢筋焊接网的应用实践

    Application and Practice of Welded Steel Fabrics in Shenzhen Citizen Center Project

  4. 国内外钢筋焊接网发展现状及存在的误区

    Present Condition and Misconceptions of Welded Steel Fabric at Home and Abroad

  5. 剪力墙钢筋焊接网的布置和安装

    Arrangement and Installation of Welded Steel Fabric in Shear Walls

  6. 钢筋焊接网电阻点焊工艺的研究

    Research on resistance spot welding procedure of steel bar mesh

  7. 钢筋焊接网混凝土结构技术规程

    Technical specification for concrete structures reinforced with welded steel fabrics

  8. 冷轧带肋钢筋焊接网剪力墙延性试验结果分析

    Experimental Study on Ductility of Shear Walls with Cold-rolled Ribbed Welded Steel Fabric

  9. 钢筋焊接网的工程应用

    The Engineering Application of the Reinforcing Bar Welding Net

  10. 介绍钢筋焊接网在国内外的发展及应用情况。

    The application of welded reinforcing bar net in bridge construction is introduced .

  11. 钢筋焊接网在建设工程上应用的探讨

    Discussion on the Application of the Welded Steel Fabric in the Construction Engineering

  12. 钢筋焊接网的发展现状和前景

    Present situation and Prospect of welded steel fabric

  13. 介绍国内外钢筋焊接网发展过程。

    To introduce the development course of welded reinforcing mesh at home and abroad .

  14. 钢筋焊接网在桥梁中的应用

    Application of welded reinforcing bar net in Bridge

  15. 钢筋焊接网施工监控

    Inspection on steel bar welting net construction

  16. 钢筋焊接网片施工工艺

    Construction technology of welded steel mesh

  17. 对邢钢北京世贸商城工程冷轧带肋钢筋焊接网设计分析

    Design analysis of welding net with cold rolled reinforcing bar for Beijing World Trade City Project

  18. 通过对钢筋焊接网片施工技术的具体介绍,阐述了钢筋焊接网片的施工要点。

    This paper concretely presents the construction technique of the Reinforcing Bar Welding Net and expound construction points .

  19. 我国建筑用热轧钢筋和钢筋焊接网的现状和发展建议(上)

    The status and development advice to the hot rolled bar and welded bar fabric used in construction ;

  20. 沿焊接网的锚固长度的焊接点强度必须足够对抗设计应力。

    P The strength of the welded joints along the anchorage length of welded fabric shall be sufficient to resist the design forces .

  21. 钢筋焊接网宜用作钢筋混凝土结构构件的受力主筋、构造钢筋和箍筋。

    Welded steel fabric may be used as main bearing reinforcement , stirrups and detailing requirements reinforcement in the members of reinforced concrete structures .

  22. 介绍了钢筋焊接网的特点及其在煤矿系统锚喷网支护结构中的应用。

    The characteristic of welded reinforcing bar net is introduced as well as its application in anchor net supporting and protecting frame of coal mine .

  23. 着重阐述了冷轧带肋钢筋焊接网在设计、制作和安装过程中的质量管理与控制。

    The article emphasized to elaborate the quantity management and control of the cold-rolled ribbed welded steel fabric in the process that it 's designed , manufactured and installed .

  24. 结果表明,冷轧带肋钢筋焊接网剪力墙具有较大的延性和变形能力,为冷轧带肋钢筋焊接网作为剪力墙分布筋的推广应用提供了试验依据。

    The research indicates that shear walls have better ductility and deformation capacity , and experimental basis for shear walls with cold - rolled ribbed welded steel fabrics as the distributed reinforcements is obtained .

  25. 深圳市市民中心工程质量要求高,楼面面积大和体型复杂,楼板采用了钢筋焊接网技术。

    The quality requirement of the Shenzhen Citizen Center project is high , and it has such features as large floor areas and a complex shape , so engineers adopted welded steel fabrics technique .

  26. 技术经济指标分析说明,钢筋焊接网片新技术的推广能节约原材料,缩短工期,降低工程造价。

    By analysing the technical and economic norm , this paper explains why the the new technique of the Reinforcing Bar Welding Net can save materials , shorten the project time and decrease the project expense .

  27. 钢筋焊接网不仅强度高、施工速度快,而且还能提高工程质量,降低工程综合造价,提高钢筋工程的工业化水平,具有良好的社会效益和经济效益。

    Welded steel fabric is characterized by high-strength and quick application in engineering practice and it can remarkably improve the quality of engineering , reduce the global cost of engineering and promote the industrial level of the steel engineering .

  28. 重点分析探讨了采用暗柱或翼缘柱、采用焊接网或绑扎网及暗柱箍筋间距的变化等对剪力墙的延性、变形能力、能量耗散能力等的影响。

    The ductility , deformation and energy dissipation of shear wall are affected by some factors , including embedded columns or flange columns , welded bar-mesh reinforcement or binding bar-mesh reinforcement and the change of stirrup spacing for embedded columns .

  29. 焊接网片在施工中的缺陷及建议。对推广、应用钢筋焊接网技术,起到积极的示范作用。

    In the paper are discussed the constructional design , construction technology and economical efficiency analysis , the deficiency and suggestions of welded nets , which plays an active demonstration role in the application of welded nets of reinforced bars .

  30. 焊接铁网石箱(GABION)挡土墙设计与施工

    Design and construction of welded wire fabric gabion retaining wall