
  • 网络Tobacco Monopoly
  1. 基于UML建模的重庆烟草专卖与销售系统的分析与设计

    Analysis and Design of Chongqing Tobacco Monopoly and Sales System Based on UML Modeling

  2. 随着我国加入WTO,烟草专卖体制将逐步放松,未来我国烟草市场将面临着国内外的激烈竞争与挑战。

    With the accession to the WTO , Chinese tobacco monopoly system will be gradually relaxed , and the future of our country nicotian market will be faced with fierce competition at home and abroad and challenge .

  3. 针对烟草专卖市场管理的薄弱情况,采用了ASP.NET设计了基于Web的烟草专卖信息系统。

    Tobacco monopoly management information system based on Web has been designed with ASP . NET aiming at the weak condition of tobacco monopoly management market in this paper .

  4. 随着中国加入WTO和2004年国家“特种烟草专卖零售许可证”的取消;

    With China 's entrance into WTO and its lifting of the franchise of special tobacco retail in 2004 , the structural obstacle of cigarette system in China has been gradually eliminated .

  5. 系统在大连市烟草专卖局ERP基于GIS的烟草配送系统中的运行表明:采用这套路径规划系统,减少了每天出车数量,平均降低了行车里程,降低了配送的成本。

    The performance of this system in the tobacco distributing of ERP Tobacco Monopoly Bureau , DaLian City indicates that applying this path layout system has reduced the times of the distributing of trucks and has reduced the distance and the cost of distributing .

  6. 本论文以本人参加的浙江烟草专卖局物流管理及信息监管网络系统的移动电子商务应用&无线支付应用为背景,提出了以WAP协议应用模型为基础的卷烟流通电子商务系统升级方案。

    This thesis is based on my experience in Logistic and Information Management System ( LIMS ) of Zhejiang Province tobacco monopoly bureau . In order to setup a wireless payment application , we proposed a system update solution based on WAP application model .

  7. 重庆烟草专卖与营销信息管理系统设计与实现

    Chongqing Tobacco Monopoly and Marketing Information Management System Design and Implementation

  8. 黑龙江省烟草专卖局(公司)管理信息系统的设计

    Suining Tobacco Company Design of Heilongjiang Cigarette department information Management system

  9. 泰国烟草专卖公司将维持其当前的税收和利润。

    The TTM will maintain its current revenue and profits .

  10. 烟草专卖指挥中心管理平台的设计与应用

    Design and application of tobacco monopoly conductor center management platform

  11. 烟草专卖若干法律问题探讨

    Discussion on Several Legal Issues Concerning Monopolization of Tobacco

  12. 烟草专卖辅助判案专家系统的研究与实现

    Research and implementation of the tobacco monopoly case trial aided with expert system

  13. 烟草专卖许可属于行政许可。

    Tobacco Monopoly Permission belongs to administrative permission .

  14. 基于利益相关者理论的烟草专卖管理研究

    Tobacco Monopoly Sales Management Based on Stakeholder Theory

  15. 新型卷烟零售业态的发展变化对烟草专卖管理的影响及其对策

    Impact of emerging cigarette retail business on tobacco monopoly administration and the corresponding strategy

  16. 加强县级烟草专卖局依法行政建设的若干思考

    Certain Ponders on Strengthening the Administration by Law in The County Level Tobacco Monopoly Bureau

  17. 国家烟草专卖局改由工业和信息化部管理。

    The State Tobacco Monopoly Administration will be subordinate to the Ministry of Industry and Informatization .

  18. 近年来,国家烟草专卖局对烟草进行了一系列的变革,促进工商业分离。

    Recently , State Tobacco Monopoly Bureau carries out series of transformations to separate industry and commerce .

  19. 烟草专卖局负责制定政策和执行管理条例,如有关香烟包装上标注健康警语的规定。

    The administration is responsible for policy and enforcing regulations , such as those governing warnings on packaging .

  20. 通过信息化手段建设,加强烟草专卖对卷烟市场销售终端的管理服务已势在必行。

    By means of information construction , strengthen the tobacco monopoly on POS management service has be imperative .

  21. 应当说经过十八年的自我完善,当前的烟草专卖行政管理工作包括行政执法工作均逐步走向规范。

    After 18-year self-improvement , currently the tobacco monopoly administration management including administrative enforcement is approaching standardization gradually .

  22. 从世界烟草专卖制度演变模式看我国烟草专卖制度的改革

    On reform of China 's tobacco monopoly system based on tobacco monopoly system evolution mode of the world

  23. 烟草专卖是国家通过制定法律,对烟草买卖实行垄断,以保证财政收入。

    Monopolization of tobacco means the State monopolizes tobacco transaction by making the law to guarantee the financial income .

  24. 食盐专营制度与烟草专卖制度之间既有相同的地方,也存在较大的差别。

    There are many same aspects and a lot of difference between salt state monopolization and tobacco state state monopolization .

  25. 1983年月23日国务院发布的《烟草专卖条例》同时废止。

    The Regulations on Tobacco Monopoly promulgated by the State Council on September 23 , 1983 shall be annulled simultaneously .

  26. 虽然在加入世贸的谈判协议中,我国一直坚持保留国家烟草专卖制度。

    Although negotiations on accession to the WTO agreement , China has insisted on retaining the national tobacco monopoly system .

  27. 第四条国务院烟草专卖行政主管部门主管全国烟草专卖工作。

    Article 4 The department of tobacco monopoly administration under the State Council shall be responsible for the nation-wide tobacco monopoly .

  28. 根据该活动,泰国烟草专卖公司将协助阐明诸如公交终端的吸烟区和无烟区。

    Under the campaign , TTM will help to clarify smoking and non-smoking areas at public venues such as bus terminals .

  29. 为保护泰国国有烟草专卖公司,泰国还提高了进口卷烟的最高零售价格。

    Thailand also jacked up the maximum retail prices on imported cigarettes in order to protect the Thai state-owned tobacco monopoly .

  30. 依据烟草专卖的管理要求,进入零售环节的卷烟包装必须带有包含分销终端代码的32位码。

    According to the need of Tobacco Monopoly Management , the cigarette packaging in retail must have a 32 yard code .