
chuī yān
  • smoke from kitchen chimneys
炊烟 [chuī yān]
  • [smoke from kitchen chimneys] 烹制饭菜形成的烟气

  • 炊烟袅袅

炊烟[chuī yān]
  1. 炊烟旋绕。

    A wisp of smoke is curling up from a chimney .

  2. 村中炊烟缕缕上升。

    Wisps of smoke rose continuously from the village chimneys .

  3. 炊烟袅袅。

    Smoke is curling upward from kitchen chimneys .

  4. 炊烟起处有人家。

    The smoke betrays where the dwelling lies .

  5. 一缕炊烟袅袅上升。

    A wisp of smoke is curling up from the kitchen chimney .

  6. 乡村的炊烟凝结细雨中,如此缥缈。

    In the drizzling rain the village smoke congealed , concealed .

  7. 炊烟袅袅升起,隔江千万里

    A thousand miles the smoke is rising high both sides

  8. 那边的小屋升起睡意的炊烟。

    Up from yonder cottage goes a sleepy smoke .

  9. 无论是朝霞灿烂的早晨,还是炊烟袅袅的黄昏;

    Zhaoxia both bright morning or evening Madadayo smoke ;

  10. 身上绫罗绸缎,厨下炊烟不见。

    Silks and satins put out the kitchen fire .

  11. 那边有炊烟一偻,冉冉的从林中升起,林里的农舍我们是看不见的。

    See yonder thin column of smoke curling up through the woods from some invisible farmhouse .

  12. 我们没看到房子和炊烟,也没看到足迹、船和人。

    We saw no houses , no smoke , no footprint , no boats , no people .

  13. 笼罩在由迷雾和炊烟造成的虚假暮光中街道变得越来越恐怖了。

    The streets became increasingly eerie in a fake Twilight created by a smog of mist and smoke .

  14. 树际和雪堆之间,炊烟也是一处一处地从烟囱里往上飞升。

    And one by one the smokes begin to ascend from the chimneys amid the trees and snows .

  15. 在那当下,我望向远方,看到农舍上冉冉升起的炊烟。

    But then , I looked into the distance , and I saw some smoke coming from a farmhouse ,

  16. 站在山顶上,我们可以看见炊烟从村里的烟囱中袅袅升起。

    On the top of the hill , we could see smoke rising from the chimneys in the village .

  17. 我望着炊烟,想像着生活在那里的人们和他们舒适的生活。

    I used to watch this smoke , and think of the people there , and their comfortable lives .

  18. 炊烟腾空而起,就像仙人起飞的仙云,扑腾迷离,时隐时现。

    Smoke into the sky , like a fairy taking off Xian-yun , thump blurred , when disappeared the next .

  19. 你听,那炊烟在阳光里的欢声,是那永远不曾停息的思乡情。

    You listen , it 's smoke in the sun Huan sound , is not it never stopped thinking of homesickness .

  20. 远处升起炊烟袅袅,“细雨鱼儿出,微风燕子斜”,江南烟雨如画。

    Madadayo distant smoke rising ," the fish out of rain , gentle breeze oblique Swallow ," Amidst the picturesque southern .

  21. 乔佛里循着炊烟找到乡间庄园,吩咐他们为王子和他的同行女士准备食物和葡萄酒。

    Joffrey found a holdfast by its smoke and told them to fetch food and wine for their prince and his lady .

  22. 突然,她看见有一缕炊烟从她父亲家的烟囱里袅袅升起,这使她心里十分难过。

    A plume of smoke soared up suddenly from her father 's chimney , the sight of which made her heart ache .

  23. 黑黝黝的山色渐渐转淡,直到和埃尼斯做早饭时的炊烟浑然一色。

    The sooty bulk of the mountain paled slowly until it was the same color as the smoke from Ennis 's breakfast fire .

  24. 路过这农舍的人看到烟囱里升起炊烟,都羡慕这对幸福的新婚夫妇。

    People passing the farmhouse saw the smoke rising from the chimney , and envied the newly - married couple in their happiness .

  25. 甘美的、挑逗鼻孔的香味浸透了厨房,弥漫到屋子里,又随着一阵阵炊烟飘向外面的世界。使…大量吸收或充满某物

    Melting , nose-tingling odors saturate the kitchen , suffuse the house , drift out to the world on puffs of chimney smoke .

  26. 我向我在伊锐德岛上曾这么多次地看到的那缕炊烟走去,到了一个长长的、低矮的石屋那儿。

    I walked towards the smoke that I had seen so often from Earraid , and reached a long , low house built of stone .

  27. 正月新春佳节,家家户户冒着炊烟,一串大红灯笼惹人注目的高高挂起,以示庆贺。

    Smokes are seen rising from every kitchen chimneys , and a string of red lanterns are hung highly as if they were congratulating the people .

  28. “又见炊烟”里的追问,浓重杂乱的笔调除了强烈的个人风格也体现80代人对于时代的矛盾和挣扎。

    The question in the painting " See the smoke again " reflected his strong personal style and also represented the conflict and struggle of the1980s generation .

  29. 后面沿路一公里处,可以看到一间小屋冒出的炊烟,此外再也看不到人烟。

    A kilometre down the road behind me I could see the smoke from a small house , but otherwise there was no sign of human life .

  30. 缕缕清烟继续爬上灰色长空,和清冷的秋日午后临冬城炊烟缭绕的情景并无二致。

    Wisps of smoke still rose into the grey sky , but no more than might have risen from Winterfell 's chimneys on a cold autumn afternoon .