- 网络volcanic formation

The stratigraphy is shown as volcanic formations of Devonian and volcanic-sedimentary formations of Lower Carboniferous .
Relationship between Neutral-acidic Volcanic Rock Geogeneration and Au , Ag Mineralization in the West of Liaoning
Formations and ore controlling characteristics of the marine volcanic rocks on the western margin of the Yangtze Platform
Volcanism is developed in Late Palaeozoic . there are important to study on volcanic rocks and its lithogeochemical characteristics of volcanic rocks for the causes and rift evolution .
The obvious difference of two volcanic rock suits in petrology , petrochemistry and trace element geochemistry shows that the Devonian ones were formed in a rift - extension environment , while the Carboniferous in an orogenic compression environment .
The Palaeoproterozoic Erdaowa Group distributed in the north Hohhot , Nei Mongol is composed of metamorphic detrital sediment and carbonate with intermidiate basic volcanics .
The basement rocks that is called the Luzhenguan Group , which located in Beihuaiyang tectonic belt , is a suite of meta volcanic sedimentary rocks .
Huge thick Cathysian formations ( Molasse strata ) with certain terrestrial flysch rhythm were deposited and lots of eruptive rock formations were intercalated in these basins .
The basic pyroclastic rocks in this area belong to the transitional type between normal pyroclastic rock and norma 1 sedimentary rock including two subtypes : sedimentary pyroclastic rock and pyroclastic sedimentary rock .
The upper part of it is a suit of metamorphic flysch formation , and the lower part , metamorphic volcanic-sedimentary rocks .
The sedimentary features of the flysh formation of the Xikang Group in the Indosinian songpan & garze geosyncline and its geotectonic setting
The Mongolia arc structure is mainly consisted of Palaeozoic Erathem shallow marine , marine facies clastic rock formation , volcanic formation , carbonate rock formation , and the Late Palaeozoic intermediate-acidity intrusive body .
A set of intermediate basic volcanics , pyroclastic rock and top part of clastic rock is found in north of Balikun coal mine .
The middle stage of diwa development is the Mid-Jurassic-Early Cretaceous . There are tuff , rhyolite , pyroclast , carbon-rich shale , sandstone in volcanic sedimentary basins , with the name of continental volcanic-sedimentary flysch formation .