
  • 网络potential mineral resources;undiscovered resources
  1. 湘西地区共发现铂族矿物出土点7个,为寻找潜在矿产资源提供了新信息。

    There are7 occurrences of platinum group minerals in West Hunan , which provides updated information for prospecting potential mineral resources .

  2. 三部式潜在矿产资源定量评价与蒙特卡罗模拟

    Three-part quantitative assessments of undiscovered mineral resources and Monte Carlo simulation

  3. 随着计算机科学和信息处理技术的发展,三部式潜在矿产资源定量评价,正向着系统化、模式化、数字化、可视化转变。

    With the development of computer science and information-processing technology , the three-part quantitative assessment of undiscovered mineral resources tends to systematization , modeling , digitalization , and visualization .

  4. 从发展和循环经济的观点看,由于科技进步的贡献,矿产资源不仅取决于现今已发现的矿产资源,还依赖于未来新的和潜在的矿产资源以及替代资源。

    In the perspective of development and circle economy , availability of mineral resources in a long term depends not only on their currently available amounts but also on future potential mineral resources ( e.g. , those undiscovered and low-grade ores ) and substitutive renewable resources .

  5. 煤和含煤岩系中潜在的共伴生矿产资源&一个值得重视的问题

    Potential Coexisting and Associated Mineral Resources in Coal and Coal-bearing Strata & An Issue Should Pay Close Attention to