
xuán wō
  • vortex;whirlpool;eddy;maelstrom;burble
漩涡 [xuán wō]
  • [eddy;whirlpool] 水流遇低洼处所激成的螺旋形水涡

漩涡[xuán wō]
  1. 他们觉得好像陷入了一个宣传的漩涡中。

    They felt they were being sucked into a whirlpool of publicity

  2. 她陷入了仇恨的漩涡。

    She became caught in a whirlpool of hate .

  3. 墙纸是淡黄色的,上面饰以漩涡状叶片凸起图案。

    The paper on the walls was pale gold , embossed with swirling leaf designs .

  4. 当婚姻破裂时,孩子们也被卷进父母感情日益恶化的漩涡中。

    When marriages break down children are swept into the vortex of their parents ' embittered emotions .

  5. 漩涡把小船吸进去了。

    The whirlpool sucked down the boat .

  6. 海明威感情压抑,沃尔夫却把读者卷进感情的漩涡

    Hemingway suppresses emtion , Wolfe engulfs the reader in feeling .

  7. 漩涡把水面上漂的东西都吸进去了

    The whirlpool sucked down everything floating on the water .

  8. 焦虑的人的精神世界就像一个大漩涡。

    The anxious person has the spirit like a maelstrom .

  9. 河水急流而下,入一个漂砾的漩涡中

    The river takes a headlong plunge into a maelstrom of rocks and boulders .

  10. 深陷争议漩涡的瑞典青年气候主义者格蕾塔·桑伯格成为全球青年反气候变化运动的代表人物。

    And we saw Sweden 's Greta Thunberg emerge as a lightning rod for young climate change activists2 all over the world .

  11. 10.是继续引领世界、创造美好未来,还是放慢脚步、等待被人超越?是深化一体化进程、还是陷入碎片化漩涡?

    Shall we continue to lead the world in creating a bright future , or shall we slow down only to be outperformed by others ?

  12. 你可能还记得,塔吉特百货公司(Target)在去年初曾深陷愤怒的舆论漩涡中心。

    Early last year , you might recall , target found itself at the center of a storm of outrage .

  13. 混流式水轮机尾水管漩涡流的LES法预测

    Numerical LES Model for Prediction of Vortex Flow in Draft Tube of Francis Turbine

  14. 黄金太阳圆碟将在一种漩涡能量中放射出12股螺旋,作为连贯144水晶栅格的水晶形DNA的原型。

    The Golden Sun Disc discs will emit a12-strand helix , in a spiraling energy that will serve , as the prototype of the DNA for the crystalline aspect through the144-Grid .

  15. 而且,采用基于k-ε湍流模型和漩涡耗散湍流燃烧模型(Eddydissipationmodel)的同位网格SIMPLE算法,对典型泄爆条件下的泄爆过程进行了数值模拟。

    In addition , the venting process under the typical venting condition was simulated numerically , by using the colocated grids SIMPLE algorithm based on the k turbulent model and ' Eddy dissipation model ' turbulent combustion model .

  16. 采用基于k-ε湍流模型和漩涡破碎燃烧模型的同位网格SIMPLE算法,对充满当量比的甲烷-空气预混气的柱形泄爆容器,向空气中泄爆的过程进行了数值模拟。

    The process of explosion venting to air in a cylindrical vented vessel , filled with stoichiometric methane-air pre-mixed gas , was simulated using the co-located grid SIMPLE scheme based on k - ε turbulence model and ' Eddy Dissipation ' combustion model .

  17. 结果表明Realizablek-ε紊流模型可用于实际水工建筑物进水口漩涡的模拟。

    The result show that realizable k - ε turbulence model can be used in the simulation of inlet whirlpool in hydraulic structures .

  18. 利用任意拉格朗日欧拉(ALE)有限元方法求解出N-S方程的数值解,将流场仿真结果与实验进行了对比,并分析了扑翼运动产生的前缘漩涡对升力的作用。

    The Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian ( ALE ) finite element method with ANSYS / CFD was used to solve the Navier-Stokes equations numerically .

  19. 当堪称银行业大师级人物的梅奥(MikeMayo)和惠特尼(MeredithWhitney)大声疾呼“出售银行股”的时候,道指应声跌入了死亡漩涡。

    When banking gurus like Mike Mayo and Meredith Whitney screamed'sell the banks , 'the Dow reflexively fell into a death spiral .

  20. 这个麦田圈设计在说明,随着X星的接近和地球的抖动加剧,X星的尘埃云漩涡,从地球看去,就像一条蛇一样舞动。

    This crop circle design is stating that the swirling dust cloud of Planet X will seem to dance like a snake , from the viewpoint of Earth , as Planet X comes closer and the Earth 's wobble intensifies .

  21. 优化了花纹设计。MEF细胞形态以小梭形为主,呈漩涡状、火焰状生长;

    Optimized the pattern design . MEF were little shuttle-shaped , they congregated and grew with gyrate shape , like flamboyancy .

  22. 该仪器通过光纤频率检测系统和光纤举力检测系统分别检测流体流过漩涡发生体产生的稳定漩涡发生频率f和流体作用在漩涡发生体上的升力。

    This instrument can detect the variation of the lifting force produce produced when fluid flows through eddy generator and the vortex frequency with frequency detection system of optic fibre and the optic fibre detection system of lifting force .

  23. 采用剪应力模型(SST)进行数值计算,捕获到了高层建筑尾流的漩涡脱落现象,并与风洞试验数据做了比较。

    The vortex shedding phenomena were captured by numerical simulation with shear stress transport ( SST ) turbulence model . The comparison between numerical simulation and wind tunnel test was given .

  24. 但FIM会迫使企业在跳进危机四伏的漩涡之前,重新审视他们自己的安全过程。

    But it will force companies to re-examine their own security processes before they jump into its whirlpool of potential difficulties .

  25. 作为信贷违约互换产品(CDS)的主要经营商,合约常常用于支撑一家公司偿还账务的能力。摩根大通也许发现他们正被卷入另一场漩涡中。

    As the leading dealer in the market for credit-default swaps ( CDS ), contracts used to punt on a company 's ability to repay its debt , JPMorgan Chase could find itself dragged into another maelstrom .

  26. 通过对局部的速度场分析,观察到在裂纹尖端的漩涡状速度分布和负速度分布,并探讨了裂纹传播的Stick-Slip现象。

    By analyzing the local distribution of velocity around the crack tip , the eddy-like distribution of velocity and the stick-slip mode of crack propagation are also discussed .

  27. 培养10d左右细胞铺满培养瓶底达80%左右,细胞呈极性排列,部分集落可呈漩涡状。

    Till 10d the cells covered the bottom of culture bottle and up to 90 % , Polar cells were arranged , and the colony was swirling .

  28. 2013年,美国联邦政府将最低工资从每小时7.25美元提高到了15美元,引发了一场广泛的讨论,而沃尔玛(Wal-Mart)则处于这个话题的漩涡中心。

    In 2013 , Wal-Mart ( WMT , Fortune 500 ) found itself at the center of the debate about raising the federal minimum wage from $ 7.25 an hour to figures as high as $ 15 .

  29. 黄建华在美国的商业合作伙伴马克加尼斯(MarcGanis)表示:我们正处于一个巨大的媒体漩涡中,这个漩涡已变得国际化。加尼斯曾与名誉扫地的原伊利诺斯州州长罗德布拉戈耶维奇(RodBlagojevich)密切合作。

    We were in the midst of a media maelstrom that went international , said Marc Ganis , Mr Huangs US-based business partner who once worked closely with disgraced former Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich .

  30. 介绍了氯碱生产中采用的屏蔽泵、磁力泵、计量泵、漩涡泵、液环泵、AHR型渣浆泵的结构、特点、适用范围、应用实例及使用中的注意事项。

    The structure , characteristics , application scope , application examples and points for attention of such pumps in chlor-alkali production are introduced as canyon-type pumps , magnetic pumps , measuring pumps , vortex pumps , liquid-ring pumps and residual-slurry pumps .