
róng gōu
  • channelling
溶沟[róng gōu]
  1. 白彦组分布于鲁西灰岩出露区,赋存在溶沟、溶槽、溶洞中。

    Conglomerate in Baiyan formation distributes in limestone outcropped area in western Shandong which occurring in karstens , karst valleys and karst caves .

  2. 溶岩地区桥位桩基的勘察,关键是查明岩溶(溶洞、溶沟、溶槽)的分布,钻探是调查这些问题的手段之一。

    The key to the investigation of Bridge ′ s pile foundation in Karst area is to find out the Karst distributions . Drilling is just one of the means to find out such problems .

  3. 沂水喀斯特地貌形态除地表的石芽、溶沟、溶槽、喀斯特泉等小形态外,较为突出的是有许多的溶洞,和称之为崮的石灰岩方山形态。

    The more prominent is that there are many karst caves in Yishui karst geomorphologic forms besides stone buds , melting groove , melting tank , karst springs on the surface , and the limestone mountain shape is called as " Gu " .

  4. 其表现为北东侧和南西侧以地表溶沟和少量漏斗等为主,不发育;场区中部表现为岩溶漏斗、土洞和落水洞等岩溶塌陷数量多,呈串珠状,规模较大,很发育。

    Northeast and southwest are mainly the melting groove on surface and a small amount of funnel with no growth . The central part is mainly the dissolves funnel , soil cave and sinkholes , which are in large scale , bead-like and well developed . 4 .

  5. 在有较大裂隙,溶洞、溶沟、溶槽发育,有串珠状溶洞并多层处与外部海水直接贯通的复杂地质上建造船坞,基坑开挖堵漏和基础处理是施工的关键。

    The key points of the construction are leakage stoppage during the pit excavation and foundation treatment when the ship dock is constructed on the complicated geology with growing fissures , karst caves , channellings , fluid bowls and many beaded karst caves directly linking up with external sea water .

  6. 预抽煤层瓦斯交叉钻孔合理孔间距的研究溶洞孔隙可呈等尺度的溶孔形态,或者呈溶沟形态,但空间大小是以米度量的。

    Study on Rational Borehole Space of Crossed Boreholes for Gas Pre-drainage Cavernous porosity can take the equidimensional form of vugs or follow channels , but the void dimensions are measurable in meters .

  7. 溶洞孔隙可呈等尺度的溶孔形态,或者呈溶沟形态,但空间大小是以米度量的。这种孔隙率是水可流出和流入的连通空隙。

    Cavernous porosity can take the equidimensional form of vugs or follow channels , but the void dimensions are measurable in meters . It is the porosity due to interconnected pores that can be filled with and emptied of water .