
wēn zhēn jiǔ
  • Warm acupuncture and moxibustion;needle warming moxibustion
温针灸[wēn zhēn jiǔ]
  1. 腿痛穴芒刺配合阳陵泉温针灸治疗腰椎间盘突出症临床观察

    Clinic Observation of Prolapse of Lumber Intervertebral Disc Treatment by the Positive Mausoleum Acupuncture with Needle Warming Moxibustion

  2. 温针灸和穴位注射影响运动员血清CK、SOD活性的研究

    Effects of Warm Acupuncture and Point Injection on the Activeness of Serum CK and SOD

  3. 温针灸加TDP照射治疗压力性尿失禁疗效观察

    Therapeutic effect of warming acupuncture-moxibustion plus TDP radiation on stress urinary incontinence

  4. A组采用温针灸结合电针治疗,B组采用温针灸治疗,C组采用电针治疗。所有患者均每日治疗1次,连续治疗14次。

    A group treated by Warmed Needle and Electroacupuncture , B group treated by simple Warmed Needle , C group treated by simple Electroacupuncture , one treatment a day , continue treat fourteen times .

  5. 隔姜灸组治疗后临床痊愈率和总有效率均较温针灸组高,但两组疗效比较无差异(P)0.05)。

    Clinical curative rate and total effective rate of test group were higher than that of control group after treatment , but there was no difference between the two groups ( P 0.05 ) . 2 .

  6. 方法将90只昆明小鼠据体重随机分成9组,腹腔接种S180瘤株,化疗采用CTX,针灸处理以灸和温针灸为主,穴位采用足三里、命门和大椎。

    METHOD 90 Kunming mice were divided randomly into 9 groups and injected with S180 tumor strains .

  7. 结论:针刺加TDP疗法优于常规温针灸疗法。

    Conclusion : The therapeutic effect of acupucture plus TDP was better than that of routine acupuncture and moxibustion .

  8. 温针灸对肾虚髓亏型膝骨性关节炎关节滑液MMP-3与细胞因子的影响

    Effect of Warming Needle Moxibustion on Cytokines in Synovial Fluid of Knee Ostearthritis Patients with Kidney-marrow Deficiency Syndrome

  9. 用温针灸加TDP照射和电针加TDP照射分别治疗并比较疗效。

    They were treated by warming acupuncture moxibustion plus TDP radiation and electroacupuncture plus TDP radiation , respectively , and their therapeutic effects were compared .

  10. 温针灸为主治疗中老年骨性关节炎临床观察

    Clinical observation of senium osteoarthritis treated with warm needle mainly

  11. 温针灸在术后胃瘫治疗中的作用

    Action of needle warming through moxibustion in treatment of postoperative stomach palsy

  12. 温针灸治疗老年性膝骨关节病的临床观察

    Clinical observation on treatment of senile knee osteoarthropathy by warm needle moxibustion

  13. 温针灸对坐骨神经痛患者痛阈值的影响

    Effect of warming needle moxibustion on pain threshold in the patient of sciatica

  14. 温针灸治疗中风后便秘的疗效观察

    Observation on therapeutic effect of needle warming through moxibustion on Constipation after apoplexy

  15. 温针灸治疗糖尿病足临床疗效观察与机理探讨

    Clinical and Mechanism Study on Treatment of Diabetic Foot with Acupuncture and Moxibustion

  16. 温针灸治疗糖尿病性膀胱病变43例临床观察

    Clinical Observation on the Treatment of Moxibustion with Warming Needle for Diabetic Cystopathy

  17. 温针灸治疗膝关节骨性关节炎:随机对照研究

    A randomized controlled study on warming needle moxibustion for treatment of knee osteoarthritis

  18. 透刺温针灸治疗膝骨关节炎疗效观察

    Observations on the Efficacy of Point-through-point Acupuncture and Moxibustion in Treating Genual Osteoarthritis

  19. 风池穴封闭结合温针灸治疗枕大神经痛82例

    Greater Occipital Neuralgia 82 Cases Treated with Closed Fengchi Acupoint and Warm Acupuncture Moxibustion

  20. 观察运用温针灸、温和灸合并耳针治疗慢性泄泻的疗效。

    Clinical and Mechanism Study on Treatment of Diabetic Foot with Acupuncture and Moxibustion ;

  21. 温针灸治疗膝关节骨关节炎的近期效果

    Warm acupuncture-moxibustion in patients with osteoarthritis of knee

  22. Ⅲ组50例,用温针灸配合神阙穴贴敷治疗。

    Group ⅲ of 50 patients , by warming acupuncture plus point Shenque application .

  23. 温针灸治疗风湿性关节炎40例疗效观察

    Clinical Observation on the Therapeutic Effect of Thermal Needle for 40 Cases of Rheumatic Arthritis

  24. 温针灸治疗儿童遗尿症的随机对照观察

    Random and contrast observation on moxibustion with warmed needles for treatment of African'wean infantile enuresis

  25. 目的观察温针灸治疗亨特面瘫的临床疗效。

    Objective To investigate the clinical therapeutic effect of warm needling on Hunt facial paralysis .

  26. 温针灸治疗多发性神经病的临床研究危重病人康复护理多功能病床的研制

    Clinical Observation on Polyneuropathy Treated by Warming Needle Moxibustion Multi-functio Rehabilitation Beds Research and Development

  27. 结论电磁疗合温针灸治疗良性前列腺增生症疗效确切。

    Conclusion Electromagnetotherapy plus warming acupuncture has an exact treating effect on benign prostate hyperplasia .

  28. 手法及温针灸治疗髌下脂肪垫损伤的疗效观察

    Therapeutic Effect Observation of Manipulation and Warming Acupuncture in Treatment of Infrapatellar Fat Pad Lesion

  29. 结论穴位埋线治疗慢性腰肌劳损的临床疗效与温针灸相当,针灸疗法的应用安全,值得临床推广应用。

    Clinical application of acupuncture and moxibustion was safe and worthy of clinical generalization and application .

  30. 4艾灸的方法以间接灸、艾条灸、温针灸为主。

    The method is mainly indirect moxibustion 、 moxa moxibustion and warm acupuncture moxibustion ; 5 .