
  • 网络Liuhe River
  1. 结果表明,浏河污水排入长江后,在长江落潮流挟带下沿南岸下泄,形成近岸污染带,对宝钢、陈行水库水质造成一定影响。

    The results show that the sewage from the Liuhe River , influenced by the ebb currents of the Changjiang River , flows downstream along the south bank and forms the near bank pollution belt .

  2. 浏河潮汐电站自动化系统

    The automatic control system at Liuhe tide power station

  3. 梅山猪起源于太湖流域的浏河两岸,长期的自然生态环境和较低蛋白水平的日粮,造就了梅山猪耐粗饲、高产仔的特性。

    Meishan pigs , originated in the Taihu Lake Basin , characterized with crude resistance high reproductive because of the natural environment and long-term low protein diet to it .

  4. 在新浏河沙以下,倒灌盐水通过南、北港分叉区域的几个叉道分别进入南港和北港。

    At the lower reaches to the New Liuhe Sand , the spilled water mass enters into the South and the North Channels through several waterways around the bifurcation , respectively .