- 网络active directory;Microsoft Active Directory;adsi

Recognize Web User 's Identity by Active Directory and . NET Framework
Basic power packs include Local System , Active Directory , and Network .
ASP . NET Design Safe and Individualized to Log-in WEB Page with Active Directory
Active Directory Domain service in Windows Server 2008
The Web mode Campus Network User Management System Based on Active Directory that introduced in this paper realizes unified user management and automation of accounting management .
Elementary Introduction About the Relation between DNS and Moving Catalogue Under Windows 2000
Depending on how your Active Directory infrastructure is implemented you might also want to change the inclusion buttons .
Study on Application of Kerberos in the Active Directory Domain Forest Model
The Implementation of Active Directory Extend Attributes Management Based on MMC Extend Technology
It advances a scheme to ensure the security of transporting the IP multicast in the Internet using Windows Active Directory and the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol .
The new technology ADSI of Microsoft is used for developing client directory server application .
After Active Directory is installed , ensure that the Kerberos KDC is running .
A Colleague Viewer that uses lookups in Active Directory by using Windows Communication Foundation .
And the technologies used for implementing the system are introduced , such as Windows 2000 Active Directory , DirectShow , Site Server ILS Service , etc.
This paper describes a single sign-on solutions based on the Microsoft Windows platform with leading technology ADFS .
Making use of self-defined IA component and Internet AD server , unitive IA process is accomplished . This method based on AD service and HTTP protocol overcomes the fault made by multiple-sign-on .
To handle identity , . NET Services will allow federating a company 's Active Directory structure to Azure .
This article introduces LDAP conception , data structure , basic operations and its application in Uniform Authentication , and provides an ASP implementation by using Microsoft ADSI .
An important part of network security is how to recognize a user 's identity that accesses a WEB . In recognizing user 's identity process , using Active Directory authentication to replace user-defined authentication will improve system 's security and efficiency .
Discussion on Construction of Periodicals ' Catalogue Database and Development of Periodicals Work Elementary Introduction About the Relation between DNS and Moving Catalogue Under Windows 2000
One of the most interesting new capabilities of Active Directory Domain Services ( AD DS ) is the Recycle Bin feature , which lets administrators undo accidental deletions of Active Directory objects .
Importing Active Directory Users by Using ADSI
The paper introduces the principle of design safe and individualized WEB page with active directory , and relevant Active Directory Services Interfaces ( ADSI ), IIS and ASP .
Active Directory is an excellent LDAP server of Microsoft . The server is widely used in various IT systems because of its good performances , the outstanding cooperation and the flexible interface .
Scripting has typically been done via the Windows Scripting Host ( WSH ) and Active Directory Services Interface ( ADSI ), which was a time-consuming process for IT .
Last month , ( November ) Dropbox launched Dropbox for Business , which added more controls for IT departments , including the ability to create team spaces for sharing and syncing documents and managing accounts through Microsoft 's Active Directory .
" Many an IT pro has been fired for intentionally or accidentally deleting Active Directory objects ," Spindler said .
The Active Directory PowerPack allows many common tasks such as user and group management to be executed from PowerGui .
The design thought of the Client Auditorship ` s Validation in Computer Room Management System , and it 's realization use of ADSI technique are introduced .
This paper analyses the security characteristic about Windows Server 2003 in a systemic way , and explores some new security technology such as active directory and IIS 6.0 request processing architecture , and gives some strategy of security configuration .