
  • 网络ZINDER
  1. 而在津德尔特他还在继续使用。

    It 's still being used in Zundert .

  2. 津德尔的起诉干扰《水形物语》奥斯卡奖评选的可能性很小。

    The chances of Zindel 's lawsuit derailing The Shape of Water 's Oscar showing are slim .

  3. 对于像津德尔这样想要提起相关内容牵涉诉讼的控告者而言,知识产权领域往往太过于复杂。

    The terrain for intellectual property is often too murky for accusers like Zindel to build a case with any traction .

  4. 这些情况以及这部影片创作和拍摄过程中的其他颇有说服力的细节有力地证明了被告方故意抄袭津德尔的作品。

    These and other telling details from the writing and production of the Picture strongly evidence that Defendants knowingly infringed Zindel 's Play .

  5. 由于许多家庭离开该地区,背井离乡前往首都寻找食物,津德尔南部地区的小学已经关闭。

    Primary schools in the southern Zinder region are now closing , as families abandon the area and head toward the capital in search of food .

  6. 普利策奖获得者保罗?津德尔的儿子于星期三提起诉讼,控告《水形物语》抄袭了他父亲1969年的剧作《让我听到你的低语》。

    The son of Pulitzer Prize-winning author Paul Zindel filed a lawsuit Wednesday , claiming that The Shape of Water ripped off his father 's 1969 play Let Me Hear You Whisper .

  7. 虽然在首都的许多商店星期三无视举行全国大罢工的呼吁,但当地的广播电台说,在津德尔等地有较多的人响应号召举行了罢工。

    While many shops in the capital ignored Wednesday 's call for a nationwide strike , local radio stations report there was greater support in other areas , including the city of Zinder .

  8. 克劳斯曾公开表示自己欣赏津德尔的作品,而且他是在津德尔的作品首次在国家电视台播出的那年提出了这部影片的“构思”。

    KRAUS is both on record as an admirer of Zindel 's work , and came up with the " idea " for the Picture the very year Zindel 's Play first aired on national television .

  9. 在诉讼中,津德尔称“被告方显然结合了大量受版权保护的文学元素”,而且《水形物语》的制片人丹尼尔·克劳斯故意剽窃了他父亲的作品:

    In the lawsuit , Zindel claims the " Defendants have plainly incorporated numerous copyright protectible [ sic ] literary elements , " and that The Shape of Water producer Daniel Kraus knowingly cribbed his father 's work :

  10. 高耸的美景:这些由大丽花装饰的花型杰作在荷兰南部的津德尔特的大街上游行,它由长20米、高10米的巨大花车来运载,。

    Towering beauty : The floral masterpieces , draped in dahlias , are paraded around the streets of Zundert in the south of the Netherlands on giant floats up to twenty metres long and towering 10 metres high 。