
dòng xué
  • cave;cavern;hole;grotto;chamber;abri
洞穴 [dòng xué]
  • (1) [cave]∶在土中、在峭壁上或在小丘里挖出来的空间,尤指有洞口通到地表面的天然地下室

  • (2) [cavern]∶往往指较大的或范围不定的地下洞

  • (3) [grotto]∶山洞的深处

洞穴[dòng xué]
  1. 洞穴壁上装饰着鹿和猎人的画像。

    Images of deer and hunters decorate the cave walls .

  2. 导游用手电筒照射洞穴。

    The guide flashed a light into the cave .

  3. 他们发现他们进入了一个地下大洞穴。

    They found themselves in a vast underground chamber .

  4. 他过去一直想探索洞穴。

    He had always wanted to go caving .

  5. 母熊往往会在洞穴里垫些树叶或草。

    Female bears tend to line their dens with leaves or grass .

  6. 他们试着在洞穴正下方的一块地上挖掘。

    They tried digging in a patch just below the cave

  7. 这正是洞穴探险者害怕的那种洪水。

    This is the type of flood dreaded by cavers

  8. 这些洞穴只接受预约参观。

    The caves can be visited only by prior arrangement

  9. 他们顾不上考虑时间或任何其他因素就开始寻找水下洞穴。

    Heedless of time or any other consideration , they began to search the underwater cave

  10. 他们的勘探经历与这些洞穴本身的特征有着不可分割的紧密联系。

    The story of their exploration is inextricably bound up with the character of the caves themselves

  11. 亚瑟王将他的财宝藏在这里,墨林对洞穴施了魔法,这样永远不会有人找到那些财宝。

    King Arthur hid his treasures here and Merlin enchanted the cave so that nobody should ever find them .

  12. 洞穴的入口被树丛遮掩。

    The entry of the cave was hidden by trees .

  13. 洞穴的入口被树丛遮掩着。

    The entry to the cave was hidden by trees .

  14. 那其实是一个地下洞穴。

    That is actually a cavity in the earth .

  15. 他发现了一个漂亮的洞穴,入口被藤蔓遮掩着。

    He found a beautiful grotto , whose entrance was hidden by vines .

  16. 古代人挖洞穴作为住所。

    Ancient people dug caves for their dwellings .

  17. 岩壁上布满洞穴。

    The cliffs are riddled with caves .

  18. 那个著名的洞穴吸引了许多游客。

    That famous cavern attracted many tourists .

  19. 由于不知道他还能活多久,尼古拉斯做了他唯一能做的事——他蜷缩在洞穴里睡觉。

    Not knowing how much longer he could last , Nicholas did the only thing he could — he huddled in his cave and slept .

  20. 他们进入洞穴,越走越深。

    They walk deeper and deeper into the cave .

  21. 后来,他找到了一个可以居住的洞穴。

    Later , he finds a caveto live in .

  22. 他们能离开洞穴吗?

    Can they get out of the cave ?

  23. 已发现的被称作“白色洞穴(SacActun)”的巨大山洞其实与“双眼洞穴(DosOjos)”相连,共同构成了350公里长的山洞。

    For the team has discovered that one large cavern4 , Sac Actun , is actually connected to another , Dos Ojos , creating a 350km-long cave .

  24. 狗把兔子追进了洞穴。

    The dog had chased a rabbit into its burrow .

  25. 如今,在砾岩峭壁上,有洞穴七千余处,492窟

    Today , some7 , 000 caves with 492 grottos remain extant in Dunhuang .

  26. 我们到达了一个美丽的洞穴,洞的进口几乎被藤蔓遮掩著。

    We reached a beautiful grotto , whose entrance was almost hiden by the vine .

  27. 格林纳达独特的地形布局包括许多手指状的洞穴,使得这个岛屿成为一个受人欢迎的航海地

    Grenada 's unique layout includes many finger-like coves , making the island a popular destination .

  28. 在保加利亚洞穴中发现的吊坠外形与尼安德特人制作的吊坠相似,这表明现代人类和尼安德特人有过思想上的交流。

    Pendants from the Bulgarian cave resemble those made by Neanderthals , suggesting we exchanged ideas .

  29. 志愿者在洞穴内的这段时间,人类适应研究所的法国和瑞士科学家密切监测了他们的活动。

    French and Swiss scientists at the Human Adaption Institute monitored the volunteers closely during their time in the cave .

  30. 虽然它是世界上最长的水下洞穴,但它无法夺得“世界最长洞穴”的头衔。

    But while its size makes this the longest underwater cave , it can 't take the title of longest cave .