
  1. 油性皮肤不能使用洁面霜。

    Cream cleansers are totally off limits for oily skin .

  2. 凯瑟琳演示了洁面的正确方法。

    Catherine demonstrated the proper way to cleanse the face .

  3. 对治敏感性皮肤可选用微酸性洁面品,多补充维他命C,日霜忌用控油配方。

    To sensitivity skin can choose acidic taste , more cleansing cream to supplement vitamin C , avoid oil-control formula .

  4. toner:护肤水,爽肤水Girls'nighttimeskincareroutine女孩的夜间护肤流程我真的难以形容,每天的卸妆洁面有多重要。

    I cannot express how important it is for you to take your makeup off and to do your face wash every single day .

  5. 科颜氏OilEliminatorCleanser洁面去油露19英镑

    Kiehl 's Oil Eliminator Cleanser £ 19

  6. 巴特勒每天进行两次彻底洁面,使用的产品包括洁面乳和洁肤水,以及JackBlack的剃须产品BeardLube等。

    Mr. Butler has a twice-daily routine that includes cleanser and toner , and shaving products like Jack Black Beard Lube .

  7. 洁面后等待20至30分钟可以让皮肤恢复到pH更加平衡的状态,防止皮肤刺激等副作用。

    Waiting 20 to 30 minutes after drying your face will return your skin to a more ph-balanced condition and will help prevent side effects such as skin irritation .

  8. ClarisonicAria高档洁面刷155英镑

    Clarisonic Aria Advanced Sonic Cleansing Brush £ 155

  9. 清洁脸部,则用科颜氏(Kiehl’s)的OilEliminatorCleanser(洁面去油露售价19英镑)与ClarisonicAria高档洁面刷(售价155英镑)。

    Clean face using Kiehl 's Oil Eliminator Cleanser ( £ 19 ) , and Clarisonic Aria Advanced Sonic Cleansing brush ( £ 155 ) .

  10. 先是洁面,通常要用两种洁面产品(先是卸妆油,然后是泡沫洁面乳),然后用柔肤水平衡脸上的pH值。

    And it is exhaustive . First , there 's cleansing , often with two different cleansers ( one oil-based to remove makeup , then a foaming cleanser ) , followed by a toner to balance pH levels on the face .

  11. 据《时尚芭莎》报道,伊曼用SK-II护肤洁面霜洗脸,做瑜伽和普拉提。

    She uses SK-II Facial Treatment Cleanser , according to Harper 's Bazaar , and does yoga and Pilates .

  12. 根据欧睿国际(EuromonitorInternational)的数据,近些年来,洁面已成为护肤品行业的一个增长点。去年,清洗液、洁肤霜、清洁皂和湿巾的销售额高达18亿美元,比前年增长近4%,较2010年增长超过7%。

    Facial cleansing has been a growth opportunity for the skin-care industry in recent years , with sales of cleansing liquids , creams , bars and wipes topping $ 1.8 billion last year , up nearly 4 % from the prior year and more than 7 % from 2010 , according to Euromonitor International .

  13. 接着我用Clark's植物洁面乳(一种舒缓温和的草药黏液)洗脸,然后用一种看似像粉色糖霜但实际上来自知名英国公司Geo.F.Trumper的高级玫瑰香剃须膏刮胡子。

    Next , I used Clark 's Botanicals Face Wash ( a soothing , mild , herbal goop ) and shaved my face with what appeared to be pink icing , but was really a premium rose-scented cream from the storied British company Geo . F. Trumper .

  14. 古方洁面、美痣堂化妆品服务有限公司总部新年祝福!

    Happy New Year ! Best wishes on this holiday season .

  15. 早上洁面后立即涂抹保湿霜来保湿。

    Moisturize immediately after your morning cleansing with a moisturizing cream .

  16. 眼霜应该在早晚洁面后使用。

    Eye cream should be applied morning and evening after cleansing .

  17. 刚开始我我不喜欢这款洁面乳,因为它的质地。

    At first I hated this product because of the texture .

  18. 产品组合:A。深层排毒修复洁面乳;

    Product assembly : A.deep toxin dispelling repair cleaning milk ;

  19. 洁面后,面部及颈部饱和了一个棉花球及中风。

    After cleansing , saturate a cotton ball stroke over face neck .

  20. 秘密1:你的洁面产品会让皮肤更糟糕(有可能)

    SECRET : Your Skin Cleanser Is Making Things Worse ( Maybe )

  21. 用清水洁面后,再涂上护肤乳液。

    Rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water before regular skincare regime .

  22. 上床睡觉之前彻底洁面。

    This means always washing your face thoroughly before going to bed .

  23. 洁面后,温和地涂抹与脸上,一天两次。

    After cleansing and toning , gently smooth on face twice daily .

  24. 洁面用来去除最外层的死皮。

    Scrubs are used to remove the outermost layer of dead skin .

  25. 此款洁面着哩能够有效的保护肌肤表皮的水分子膜。

    This cleansing base coming from plants preserves the skin hydrolipidic film .

  26. 将少量的净化洁面胶放在掌心上。

    Apply a small amount of Purify into the palm of the hand .

  27. 薰衣草洁面是我们管状产品中最炙手可热的一款。

    Lavender Cleanser is the latest addition to our popular Organic Tube Range .

  28. 每天使用无香味的温和洗面奶洁面。

    Wash your face gently each day with a fragrance-free , mild cleanser .

  29. 洁面膏基础体系配方的研究

    Study of basic formulation of facial clean cream

  30. 净化洁面胶是一个温和的洁面凝胶能清除表面的细菌和角质。

    Purify is a mild gel based cleanser which removes surface bacteria and debris .