
xūn yī cǎo
  • lavender
薰衣草[xūn yī cǎo]
  1. 薰衣草在贫瘠的土壤中茁壮生长。

    Lavender thrives in poor soil .

  2. 特别的香味也有效果:闻到薰衣草香味的食客比闻到柠檬味或没有香味的食客逗留时间更长,花费更多。

    Particular scents also have an effect : diners who got the scent of lavender stayed longer and spent more than those who smelled lemon , or no scent .

  3. 这种虚假婚姻被称为薰衣草婚姻(lavendermarriage),有了这种婚姻就可以制造异性恋的假象了。

    A sham marriage of this type , known as the lavender marriage , may thus create the appearance of heterosexuality .

  4. 房间里充满了薰衣草的香味。

    The fragrance of lavender filled the room .

  5. 空气中弥漫薰衣草香。

    The air was fragrant with lavender .

  6. 成份:薰衣草精华萃取液,大豆提取液、HA、金缕梅提取液等。

    Ingredients : Lavender Extract , Soy Extract , HA , Witch Hazel Extract , etc.

  7. 一种进口薰衣草精油化学成分的GC-MS分析

    The Analysis of lavender Oil by GC-MS

  8. 前不久的一天下午,有人在一片薰衣草花田里竖起了巨大的白色字母,拼成了单词“love”。几十名游客在这片花田里给彼此拍照。

    On a recent afternoon , dozens of tourists took pictures of each other in a field of lavender where someone had erected large , white letters that spell " love . "

  9. 成份:薰衣草精华萃取液,皂角、甘草、芦荟、CAB、氨基酸活性剂等。

    Ingredients : Lavender Liquid Extract , Saponin , liquorice , aloe , CAB , amino acid derived surfactant , etc.

  10. 该区域的旅游办公室的代表MarineFéré极力鼓励游客们在6月中旬和7月中旬期间来观赏薰衣草,这样就能赶在收获季以前。

    Marine F é r é , representative from the region 's tourism office , encourages visitors to plan a lavender route trip starting mid-June to mid-July before the blooming lavenders are harvested .

  11. 嗅觉缺失组高血压患者吸入薰衣草精油后SBP、DBP和MAP变化均无显著性差异。

    Anosmia group of patients with hypertension after inhalation of lavender essential oil SBP , DBP , and MAP was no significant difference in change .

  12. 通过GFP观察和GUS染色以及对筛选得到的抗性芽的PCR检测证明,外源目的基因()莲冷诱导蛋白基因scp)已整合到薰衣草基因组中,阳性率为40%。

    Evidence for stable integration was obtained by GUS staining assay , GFP observation and PCR assay , and the positive rate was 40 % .

  13. 拉文斯已经停止了向海外和州外供货,也不再从网上接收订单,因为他在BridestoweLavenderEstate薰衣草庄园的小团队无法维护如此大量的需求。这些需求几乎来自一个地方:中国。

    He had stopped taking Internet orders . His small staff at Bridestowe Lavender Estate couldn 't keep up with demand coming almost solely from one place : China .

  14. 农杆菌介导薰衣草愈伤组织,获得转Vgb基因的转基因植株。

    Agrobacterium-mediated callus lavender , Vgb Transgenic gene transgenic plants .

  15. 从诞节前好几个星期开始,由于来自己这个位于澳大利亚偏远角落的薰衣草农场购买泰迪熊的人太多,罗伯特·拉文斯(RobertRavens)不得不实行每人只能购买一只的限制。

    Starting weeks before Christmas , Robert Ravens had to ration sales of teddy bears to people visiting his lavender farm in this remote corner of Australia to one per customer .

  16. 结果薰衣草温水擦浴及足浴能有效降低慢性肝病患者的SRSS自评总分及延长睡眠时间。

    Results The hot-bathing and foot-soaking with lavender could lower the total score of SRSS and lengthen the sleep time of insomniacs .

  17. 由于需求太过旺盛,被塞上薰衣草和小麦的混合物后,毛茸茸的紫色博比熊(BobbieBear)就直接被送到了礼品店。

    Demand was so fierce that as soon as each furry purple Bobbie Bear shell was stuffed with a mixture of lavender and wheat , it was rushed straight to the gift store .

  18. 采用GC&MS技术对薰衣草的超临界CO2萃取物的化学成分进行了分析,共鉴定出34种化合物,他们的含量占出峰物质总量的95.51%。同时与水蒸气蒸馏产物的组成进行了比较。

    The chemical composition of supercritical CO2 fluid extract of the lavender was studied by GC-MS technique , 34 compounds identified cover 95 . 51 % of total peak area of substances appeared , and then compare with the essential oil gained by steam distillation .

  19. 嗅觉正常组和嗅觉缺失组的高血压患者分别吸入薰衣草精油和蒸馏水,采用24h动态血压检测仪监测血压。

    The normal group and the sense of smell sense of smell loss in patients with hypertension group inhaled lavender essential oils and distilled water , respectively , using 24h ambulatory blood pressure monitoring instrument for monitoring blood pressure .

  20. 澳大利亚薰衣草种植者协会(AustralianLavenderGrowersAssociation)会长让·萨金特(JeanSargeant)表示,澳大利亚薰衣草的价格也在上涨,每公斤售价在55到90美元之间,一年前还不到40美元。

    The price of lavender in Australia is also rising , selling for $ 55 to $ 90 per kilogram , up from less than $ 40 a year ago , according to Jean Sargeant , president of the Australian Lavender Growers Association .

  21. 消费者想要的是里面的填充物:塔斯马尼亚(Tasmania)种植的薰衣草,没有杀虫剂和除草剂,还有当地种植的小麦,微波加热后会变暖,所以小熊还能当保暖袋用。

    What consumers want is stuffing : lavender grown in Tasmania , without pesticides or herbicides , and locally-grown wheat , which warms up when microwaved so that the bear also works as a heat pack .

  22. 为了达到提神效果,碧思丽(Beesley)建议将花园设计得五彩缤纷,并种植有香气的植物,例如薰衣草、迷迭香等。

    To help " raise the spirits ", Beesley advises using scented shrubs such as lavender or rosemary , and lots of colours .

  23. 主要成份:橄榄、蜂蜡、薰衣草、香茅。

    Main ingredients : olive , beeswax , lavender and citronella .

  24. 送你一棵薰衣草,愿你新年快乐!

    Send you a lavender , wish you happy New Year !

  25. 薰衣草脸部蒸汽护理对容易长痘痘的皮肤有好处吗?

    Is " lavender facial steam " good for acne-prone skin ?

  26. 戴着明亮头巾的妇女们排队购买成袋的干薰衣草。

    Women in bright headscarves queue for bags of dried lavender .

  27. 难怪你身上散发出满好闻的薰衣草香味。

    No wonder there is a pleasant lavender scent around you .

  28. 舒缓精华油及薰衣草精华油。

    Oil , Relaxing Blending Essential Oil and Lavender Essential Oil .

  29. 金银花,丁香花和薰衣草都会给香水增添芳香的气味。

    Honeysuckle , lilac , and lavender make great perfume fragrances .

  30. 干净的床单,我老妈清洁时用薰衣草。

    Clean sheets , my mother cleans them with lavender .