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Studies on the Microstructural Characteristics of the Red Boulder Clay in Lu Shah
Reassessment on the geneses of " glacial cirque , trough and boulder clay " in the Lushan region
An Analysis on the Formation of the Mudstone of the Quaternary in Mt Jiuhua
An exploration into the Lushan boulder clay
Discovery of Glacier Deposition of Clay and Gravels at Xiaolangdi Dam Site and Its Effects on Engineering Geology
On the discovery of Quaternary glacial boulder clay from the northern mountainous district of Jixian ( chihsien ) County
Its great lumpy body like a boulder with its small bald head perched on top like a coconut .
As a newly discovered stratigraphic unit , the Sinian strata of this area are composed ofboulderclay dolostone , conglomerate ( tillite ?)
Mud gravel is often found in the base of distributary channel sediment , plant root and lignite often develop in the swamp sediment .
The energy of underwater distributary channel was strong , the bottom washout structures are very developed , and the river sandstone usually clip mud bricks .
A typical mud-gravel structure can be seen at the Shuiqiuchi Pool dam , it was piled up by debris flow deposits , and its formation is not related to mountain falling .
Study on origin of rudstone from Lower Devonian Series in du-an , Debao county , Guangxi
In addition , the model of earthquake migration along the fault zone , the probability distribution for the surface texture of quartz grains from the fault zone and its seismo-geological implication have been discussed in this paper as well .
The SEM Characteristics of the Surface of Quartz Grains in the Gouge of Chenghai Fault and Evaluation of Its Activity State Painting
Study on SEM Characteristics of Quartz Grains in the Fault Gouges of the Main Faults and the Fault Activity in the Lancang River Valley
It estimates the periods of the movements of the east and the west branches of the fault zone and gives a fuzzy synthetical evaluation of the patterns of the movements of the east branch .
The intercalations are divided into five types , such as muddy intercalation , silty intercalation , calcareous intercalation , marly intercalation , and gravel intercalation . A shale formation with sandstone interbedded is also a potential oil bearing formation .
Implementation and Exploration Regarding Swirl Ejection Water Retaining Curtain Technology in the Underground Fine Sand Layer The intercalations are divided into five types , such as muddy intercalation , silty intercalation , calcareous intercalation , marly intercalation , and gravel intercalation .
In this paper , characteristics of neogenic clay minerals and micro-surface texture of quartz fragment in fault gouge are discussed .