
Hou Jun the fourth hospital of Hebei medical university Hebei provincial tumor hospital , Shijiazhuang , 050011 , China .
Ping Yumin , Fourth Hospital , Hebei Medical University . Topic : Experiences and Long-term Outcome in Surgical Treatment of Esophageal Carcinoma and Cardiac Carcinoma .
Materials and Methods : AA patients were derived from the dermatology department of the Fourth Affiliated Hospital of Hebei Medical University from 2002.11 to 2003.11 . The lesion samples of 30 patients were investigated with histopathological and immunohistochemical methods .
Control group specimens were derived from 20 cases of traumatic surgery patients the health skin of the Fourth Hospital of Hebei Medical University . The group patients did not suffering from other diseases , and the age , sex , and locatios were matching with LP patients .
Research Center , the Fourth Affiliated Hospital of Hebei Medical University ;