
Landslides , silting and erosion above the dam are creating environmental and safety hazards that cannot be ignored , Wang Xiaofeng , director of the State Council Three Gorges Construction Committee , was quoted as saying in state media .
A newly launched seven-point project to alleviate pollution and monitor landslides will require even more money as it expands , he said .
Mr Wang 's comments mark an unusual admission that the dire predictions of ecological destruction by global experts and domestic opponents of the world 's biggest dam are coming true .
Repeating earlier assessments , he said water-pollution problems were limited to tributaries to the Yangtze , and that the region had been prone to deadly landslides long before the dam was built .
In the latest Xinhua report , Mr Wang repeated the party 's official line that the dam 's benefits still outweigh its drawbacks and that the environmental impacts have never been overlooked .
Mr Wang 's comments attracted intense attention from domestic and international media and his apparent change of heart follows a series of reports examining the negative environmental and social consequences of the dam .