
  • 【人名】Hanke
  1. 汉克说明了我们的艰难处境。

    Hank explained our predicament

  2. 汉克正焦急地等待着他的扇贝。这时服务员给邻桌端了一盘夹馅猪排让他久久移不开目光。

    Hank was eagerly anticipating his scallops when the waiter brought the stuffed pork chops to the man at the table next to him .

  3. 设W是仿射外尔群。H是对应的汉克代数。

    Let W be an affine Weyl group and let H be the corresponding Hecke algebra .

  4. 美国财长汉克•保尔森(HankPaulson)将于本周访问北京。

    Hank Paulson , the US Treasury secretary , is to visit Beijing this week .

  5. 美国财长汉克•保尔森(HankPaulson)昨天继续与银行举行会谈。

    Hank Paulson , the Treasury secretary , continued to hold talks with banks yesterday .

  6. 但是,当他2006年竞争美国财政部部长一职又败给汉克•保尔森(HankPaulson)后,他跳槽去了高盛(GoldmanSachs)。

    But after he ran second to Hank Paulson for the job of US Treasury secretary in 2006 , he jumped ship to Goldman Sachs .

  7. Niantic已通过Ingress进行过这类交易,汉克也表示公司将来会宣布《精灵宝可梦Go》的赞助场所。

    Niantic has cut deals like that for " Ingress , " and Hanke said the company would announce sponsored locations for " Pok é mon Go " in the future .

  8. 面对中美战略经济对话收效甚微的指责,美国财政部长汉克•保尔森(HankPaulson)周二为这一对话机制进行了辩护。

    Hank Paulson , US Treasury secretary , on Tuesday defended his strategic economic dialogue with China against charges it has achieved little .

  9. 在本周以前,对于从高盛(GoldmanSachs)前首席执行官变身为美国财政部长的汉克•保尔森(HankPaulson)而言,完成交易从来都不是一个问题。

    Until this week closing a deal had never been a problem for Hank Paulson , the former Goldman Sachs chief executive turned US Treasury secretary .

  10. 次日,时任美国财长汉克•保尔森(HankPaulson)不得不改变姿态,决定拯救美国国际集团。

    By the next day Hank Paulson , then US Treasury secretary , had to reverse himself and come to the rescue of AIG .

  11. FDIC迅速采取行动,或许有助于敦促国会批准财政部长汉克•保尔森(HankPaulson)的银行业救助方案。

    Quick action by the FDIC could help to press Congress into agreeing to Treasury secretary Hank Paulson 's bailout plan for the banks .

  12. 市场的反应毫无疑问会让北京的决策者们感到高兴,尤其是当他们回想起美国财政部长汉克•保尔森(HankPaulson)开出的一些支票只在纽约获得有气无力的回应之时。

    The reaction doubtless delighted Beijing policymakers , particularly when recalling the limp response in New York to some of US treasurer Hank Paulson 's cheques .

  13. 当前这场危机加速了每个人的时间安排,我们早期的论点最终也被收录在前财长汉克保尔森(HankPaulson)的改革蓝图中,并得到了扩展。

    Today 's crisis accelerated everyone 's timing , and our early thesis was ultimately embodied and expanded in secretary Hank Paulson 's blueprint for reform .

  14. 约翰斯-霍普金斯大学(JohnsHopkinsUniversity)的史蒂夫•汉克(SteveHanke)甚至认为,假如北京屈服于人民币升值压力,那么中国必将出现动荡,而世界将陷入灾难。

    Steve Hanke of Johns Hopkins University even argues that if Beijing caves in to demands on the renmimbi , a Chinese upheaval and a world disaster will ensue .

  15. 作为财政部长,汉克保尔森(hankpaulson)在危机尚未来袭前,就启动了对美国金融体系的评估(如果我们可以这么称呼它的话)。

    As Treasury Secretary , Hank Paulson had begun a review of the US system , if we can call it that , even before the crisis hit .

  16. 作为一个债务国的财长,汉克保尔森(hankpaulson)决心“忠于”外国投资者,尊重他们的投资理念。

    As Treasury Secretary of a debtor nation , Hank Paulson was determined to keep the faith with foreign investors , honouring the assumptions on which they invested .

  17. 正如人们可以预见到的,美国财政部长汉克•保尔森(HankPaulson)要求人民币加速升值的呼声,揭开了本周中美战略经济对话的序幕。

    This week 's strategic economic dialogue between China and the US predictably kicked off with US treasury secretary Hank Paulson calling for faster appreciation of the Chinese currency .

  18. 2006年这一高层对话机制在汉克保尔森(hankpaulson)的倡议下建立,当时这位美国财长保证,这些对话主要聚焦于经济交流。

    When the top-level dialogue was founded in 2006 on the initiative of Hank Paulson , the then Treasury Secretary ensured that its sessions were focused primarily on economic exchanges .

  19. 然而,如果前美国财长汉克•保尔森(HankPaulson)所言不差,还有一个重要方法几乎无人谈及:向中国住宅投入资金。

    But if the former US Treasury secretary Hank Paulson is correct , there is another essential step that almost nobody is talking about : putting money into Chinese housing .

  20. 周二上午,前高盛董事长兼首席执行官、现任美国财政部长汉克•保尔森(HankPaulson)就购入7000亿美元抵押贷款证券的计划向国会(Congress)作证。

    On Tuesday morning , Hank Paulson , the US Treasury secretary and former chairman and chief executive of Goldman , testified to Congress about his plan to buy $ 700bn of mortgage securities .

  21. 这封信的日期是上周日,由过去一直代表美国国际集团(AIG)前首席执行官汉克•格林伯格(HankGreenberg)的律师戴维•鲍尔斯(DavidBoies)签署。

    The letter , dated Sunday , was signed by David Boies , a lawyer who has in the past represented Hank Greenberg , former AIG chief executive .

  22. 外界将他们放弃议案的决定视为一个初步的信号,表明他们对美国新任财政部长汉克•保尔森(HankPaulson)抱有信心。保尔森周二与这两位参议员进行了会谈。

    But their decision to drop the bill was seen as an early show of confidence in Hank Paulson , the new US Treasury secretary , who met the senators on Tuesday .

  23. 汉克•莫里森(HankMorrison)的菲律宾公司生产飞机模型,但他表示,如果菲律宾比索对美元继续升值,他的公司可能半年内就要关门了。

    Hank Morrison , whose Philippine company makes model aeroplanes , says he could be out of business within six months if the Filipino peso continues to rally against the US dollar .

  24. 美国财政部作为中立“第三方”,召集会议讨论了SMLEC的构成。美国财长汉克?保尔森(HankPaulson)强烈支持这一创举。

    The US Treasury convened meetings discussing the shape of SMLEC and acted as a neutral " third party , " and Treasury secretary Hank Paulson was strongly in support of the initiative .

  25. 吴仪把批评的矛头指向美国贸易官员,而没有提及美国财长汉克•保尔森(HankPaulson)。这一迹象表明,两国对话可能不会受到双方口角日益升温的干扰。

    In a sign that the dialogue could proceed unimpeded by the growing spat , Ms Wu focused her criticism on US trade officials and did not mention Hank Paulson , the Treasury secretary .

  26. 赤字国家的过度需求一定程度上是对盈余国家行为的回应&这一观点得到了许多政策制定者的认同,其中包括美国前财长汉克•保尔森(HankPaulson)。

    The view that the excesses of deficit countries were partly a response to the behaviour of surplus countries is shared by a number of policymakers , including Hank Paulson , outgoing US treasury secretary .

  27. 第二个教训是,这些美国公司似乎受益于美国政府在人民币升值等问题上对北京态度的放缓。最近,美国财长汉克•保尔森(HankPaulson)的言行就清楚表明了这种态度变化。

    The second lesson is that the American firms appear to have benefited from Washington 's softer tone towards Beijing on issues such as currency revaluation , as recently evinced by treasury secretary Hank Paulson .

  28. 近日,美国财长汉克•保尔森(HankPaulson)和美国贸易代表苏珊•施瓦布(SusanSchwab)纷纷表态,批评中国的贸易、经济和汇率政策。

    In recent days Hank Paulson , the US Treasury secretary , and Susan Schwab , the US trade representative , have both made statements admonishing China over its trade , economic and currency policies .

  29. 美国财长汉克•保尔森(HankPaulson)上周发表了一次备受关注的演讲,呼吁从根本上重新审查美国资本市场的监管方式,以确保它们保持全球竞争力。

    Last week , Hank Paulson , US Treasury secretary , gave a closely watched speech calling for a fundamental re-examination of the way the US regulates its capital markets to ensure they remain globally competitive .

  30. 美联储(Fed)主席本•伯南克(BenBernanke)和美国财长汉克•保尔森(HankPaulson)决定放弃经济教科书,尝试利用多种措施,防范危机演变为灾难。他们这样做也的确是对的。

    Ben Bernanke , Federal Reserve chairman , and Hank Paulson , Treasury secretary , surely had it right when they decided to scrap the economic rule book and try a variety of measures to prevent crisis from morphing into cataclysm .