
  • 网络Yongtong Bridge
  1. 永通桥与赵州桥并称“姊妹桥”,有异曲同工之妙;

    Yong-Zhaozhou Bridge and the bridge and said " sister bridge ", there are similar ;

  2. 坐落在赵县城西门外、与其相距不足五里之遥的永通桥便是一例。

    Yongtong Bridge , located outside the west gate of the capital of Zhao Country on more than five kilometers away from it , is an example .

  3. 另有民间传说,此桥为鲁班的二徒弟永聪所造,因而小石桥名永聪桥,年代久了,人们叫溜了口,叫成了“永通桥”。

    Another legend says that this bridge was built by Lu Ban 's second pupil Yongcong , so it was named Yongcong Bridge . As time went by , there were slips of mouths about " Yongcong " and " Yongtong " , and it was called Yongtong Bridge in the end .