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Mr Buckle said one of the report 's biggest contributions was its attempt to clarify how climate financing can be measured and defined .
Major economies must spend more on research and development , and say how they will pay for at least $ 100bn a year in additional climate financing for low-income countries by 2020 .
Last year China agreed , even committing to provide climate finance for poor countries .
On the energy front , we must tackle difficult issues like technology transfer , investment , and climate finance .
Sharma said Britain is expanding exchanges and cooperation in climate finance , energy , carbon trading and other fields with China .
An agreement is needed to prevent countries from freeriding on the efforts of others , to facilitate co-operation on technology and to provide public goods such as climate financing for poor countries .
But figuring out what should and should not be counted as climate funding from the complex web of foreign aid budgets , multilateral bank lending and other sources of money has proved extremely difficult .
The study does not , for example , include money relating to coal projects , even though Japan and Australia say funding for more efficient coal plants should be considered as a form of climate finance .
Leaders of G20 countries , representing 85 per cent of the global economy , called on their finance ministers to make progress on climate change finance and on ensuring the global recovery was strong , sustained and balanced at the weekend 's meeting in St Andrews , Scotland .
If achievements on the new framework for economic co-operation were limited , there was no progress at all on climate change finance , the flows of money from rich to poor countries to help the developing world reduce carbon emissions .
Finance ministers were supposed to produce a report on " a range of possible options for climate change financing " but pushed that into the future , agreeing merely to " take forward further work on finance , to define financing options and institutional arrangements " .
French president , Fran Hollande , warned last month that efforts to seal a successful accord in December could fail unless wealthy countries make a serious commitment on climate finance .
We can help in many ways , but perhaps most fruitfully by highlighting the increasing costs of climate change and by mobilizing climate finance from the public and private sectors .
In an attempt to get a clearer picture before the Paris meeting , the French government and its Peruvian counterpart , which hosted last year 's UN climate talks , asked the OECD to do a more detailed analysis on how close countries were to meeting the $ 100bn a year goal .