
měi gǔ shōu yì
  • earnings per share
  1. 该公司是仅次于中国人寿(chinalife)的国内第二大保险公司,该公司每股收益为2.11元人民币。

    The company , the second largest Chinese insurer after China life , reported earnings per share of RMB 2.11 .

  2. 该公司剔除经债务估值调整后所获得的会计利得(accountinggains)之后,每股收益为0.16美元。

    Excluding accounting gains the firm made on an adjustment for its debt , earnings per share were $ 0.16 .

  3. 就连涵盖海外上市公司的摩根士丹利资本国际中国指数(mscichinaindex)也预计,每股收益将增长22%。

    Even the bluer chip MSCI China Index of companies listed abroad has forecast EPS growth of 22 per cent .

  4. 的确,通用电气(GeneralElectric)等公司不断达到苛刻的每股收益增长目标,因此建立了良好的声誉,并获得了可观的市值。

    Indeed , companies such as General Electric have built a reputation and a considerable market capitalisation on consistency in meeting their own demanding EPS growth targets .

  5. 一些分析师对RIM的乐观预期提出质疑,他们预计RIM的每股收益可能不到6美元。

    Some analysts questioned this bullish guidance , estimating an EPS figure closer to $ 6 .

  6. 摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)估计,投资和非运营性收入占非保险公司类企业第三季度每股收益的21%。

    Morgan Stanley reckons investment and non-operational income contributed 21 per cent of third-quarter EPS for non-insurers .

  7. 经常提示,抓那些历史上喜欢涨停的,或连续涨停的,只要每股收益不是负数的就OK!

    Often suggested that efforts like those the history of trading , or trading for , if not negative earnings per share on the OK !

  8. 价格与收益比是12,意味着股票的市价是每股收益的l2倍。

    The price / earnings ratio 12 means the market price is 12 times that of the EPS .

  9. 汤森路透(thomsonreuters)表示,分析师此前预计英特尔每股收益为0.28美元。

    Analysts had expected profits of 28 cents a share , according to Thomson Reuters .

  10. 投资机构伯恩斯坦研究公司(bernsteinresearch)最近宣称,短期影响非常之小,“近似于每股收益的舍入误差”。

    Bernstein research , an investment house , recently dubbed the short-term impact as small enough to be " nearly a rounding error to earnings per share " .

  11. 财务绩效选用净资产收益率、营业利润率、每股收益为会计指标和托宾Q值为市场指标进行衡量。

    Accounting indicators , such as ROE , profit margin , earnings per share , and Tobin Q value as market indicator were selected to measure Financial performance .

  12. 但据花旗(citi)估计,必和必拓只需通过回购股票,就能将明年的每股收益(eps)提高10%。

    But BHP could raise earnings per share next year by a tenth simply by buying back shares , on Citi estimates .

  13. 在周三公布的财报中,Facebook上一财季的利润为7.91亿美元,同比去年翻了不止一番,合每股收益30美分。

    In an earnings release Wednesday , Facebook reported quarterly profits of $ 791 million , more than double the same period a year earlier , or 30 cents per share .

  14. 当因变量为每股收益时,董事会资本深度对于CEO继任者来源与企业绩效间的关系的调节作用不显著。

    When dependent variable is measured by EPS , the moderating effect of board capital depth on the relations between the origin of CEO successor and firm performance is not significant .

  15. 上周四下午,LinkedIn宣布其收入为1.21亿美元,每股收益4美分,超出分析人士预期。

    LinkedIn ( lnkd ) posted a better-than-expected net income of four cents per share on revenues of $ 121 million Thursday afternoon .

  16. 潘文炎表示:根据此项提议,我相信,我们能够将每股收益(EPS)恢复到以往的2元新台币的水平。

    Under this proposal , I am confident that we could return to our past average earnings per share level of T $ 2 , says Mr Pan .

  17. 当富兰克林•雷恩斯(FranklinRaines)于1999年接管房利美时,他设定了将每股收益加倍的目标。

    When Franklin Raines took over Fannie Mae in 1999 , he set an objective of doubling earnings per share .

  18. 还有一个CD-ROM,其中有在这本书印刷的所有图纸都每股收益和DWG格式。

    There is also a CD-ROM which contains all the drawings as printed in the book , in both EPS and DWG formats .

  19. 以净资产收益率、净资产、每股收益等12项指标来衡量,并与上市公司的整体业绩做比较,表明我国上市公司MBO整体上基本没有达到政策和市场所预期的发展状态。

    According to measurement with ROE , net assets , or EPS , etc , and comparing with the listed companies , the MBO in general failed to reach the expected purpose .

  20. 4月28日,RIM表示,鉴于新款黑莓产品将在今年晚些时候上市,公司预计本财年每股收益将达到7.5美元。

    On April 28 , rim said it expected to earn a net profit of $ 7.50 a share in its current fiscal year , citing new BlackBerry products that would arrive later in the year .

  21. 美林(MerrillLynch)经纪公司分析师盖伊•莫什科夫斯基(GuyMoszkowski),最近将自己对高盛的第三季度每股收益预期从3.21美元,调低至2.77美元。

    Guy Moszkowski , brokerage analyst at Merrill Lynch , recently reduced his forecast for Goldman Sachs ' third quarter earnings per share from $ 3.21 to $ 2.77 .

  22. 3M表示,该公司现预计2011年每股收益将为5.95美元至6.20美元,高于先前预期的5.90美元至6.10美元。

    3M said it now expected profits for 2011 to be $ 5.95 - $ 6.20 per share , up from its previous forecast of $ 5.90 - $ 6.10 per share .

  23. 为了发现财务指标是否以及如何对上市公司未来每股收益产生影响,本文采用了Logistic回归和线性多元回归两种方法,试图从定性和定量两个角度对它们的内在作用加以分析。

    In order to examine whether and how financial ratios effect on future earning per share ( EPS ), this paper used two statistical regression methods include Logistic model and Linear model and analysis their inner interaction from qualitative and quantitative perspectives respectively .

  24. 库克表示:苹果第三财季创纪录的收入,得益于iPhone手机和Mac电脑的强势表现,以及苹果生态系统营收的持续增长,从而推动每股收益率达到七个季度以来的最高水平。

    Our record June quarter revenue was fueled by strong sales of iPhone and Mac and the continued growth of revenue from the Apple ecosystem , driving our highest EPS growth rate in seven quarters , Cook said in a statement .

  25. 盖洛普公司(Gallup)2009年的一项研究发现,员工敬业度排名前十位的公司,其每股收益率约是得分较低公司的四倍。

    A 2009 study by Gallup found that companies in the top decile for employee engagement boosted earnings per share at nearly four times the rate of companies with lower scores .

  26. 再者,本文利用2008年物流上市企业财务数据,运用Logistic模型,通过SPSS软件进行验证分析,证明物流上市企业的违约率与基本每股收益和每股净资产有很大的相关性。

    Thirdly , this paper prove that the defaults of listed logistics companies have great relevance with basic earnings per share and net assets per share , by using the Logistic model , through the SPSS software validation analysis to the logistics market in 2008 corporate financial data .

  27. 从更进一步的VEC方程可知净资产收益率与股票价格之间存在着显著的正相关关系,但是在每股收益与股票价格之间并没有发现这样的均衡关系。

    In further study , we find that there is a prominent positive relevance between ROE and the stock price from VEC equation , while there is no such relationship between EPS and the stock price .

  28. 浅议上市公司每股收益指标的计算和披露

    Analyzing Simply the Calculation of Listed Company Each Income and Publish

  29. 第二部分阐述的是每股收益准则的国际比较。

    The second part is the international comparison of EPS standards .

  30. 分析师此前预计雷曼兄弟每股收益1.42美元。

    Analysts had expected Lehman to earn $ 1.42 per share .