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yīn jiàn
  • setback which serves as a warning to others
殷鉴 [yīn jiàn]
  • [setback which serves as a warning to others] 泛指可以作为后人鉴戒的往事

  • 殷鉴不远,在 夏后之世。--《诗.大雅.荡》

  • 青史已书殷鉴在,词人劳咏楚江深。--刘威《三闾大夫》

  • 可资殷鉴

殷鉴[yīn jiàn]
  1. 它会杀死这个可怕的、有生命的心灵,除去了这个丑恶的殷鉴,他就能获得安宁。

    It would kill this monstrous soul-life , and without its hideous warnings , he would be at peace .

  2. 其次,咏史诗自身的历史文化意义与文学欣赏价值,可以让人们在艺术的陶冶中,辨识殷鉴,省悟历史与人生。

    Secondly , the historical poetry itself bound with cultural meaning and appreciation of literature value , enable folk to mould their personality and learn lessons .

  3. 西汉初期,政权初立,殷鉴未远,如何汲取秦的教训,为新兴王朝提供借鉴,成为现实关注的问题。

    In Western Han Dynasty initial period , the regime was just made , how to draw the lesson from Qin dynasty and provide reference for new dynasty become a reality concern .