
héng kuà
  • span;extend;stretch across;stretch over
横跨 [héng kuà]
  • (1) [span]∶在上形成拱形;从一个界限展开、伸展或延伸到另一界限

  • 一道彩虹横跨湖上

  • (2) [extend;stretch across]∶跨越(如距离,时间,空间)

  • 一座古代桥梁横跨这条河流

横跨[héng kuà]
  1. 他的围巾这么长,以致可以横跨整个房间。

    His scarf was so long that it could stretch across the room .

  2. 如今许多发展良好的供应链都是横跨各大洲且依赖于准时交货。

    Many sophisticated supply chains now stretch across continents and rely on just-in-time delivery .

  3. 他们乘火车作了一次横跨印度的长途旅行。

    They went on a long train journey across India .

  4. 这座桥横跨迪河。

    The bridge crosses the River Dee .

  5. 这座山脉横跨法国和瑞士边界。

    The mountains straddle the French-Swiss border .

  6. 一座小木桥横跨在排水渠上。

    A small wooden bridge straddled the dike .

  7. 北行至拉姆斯盖特,然后横跨法国,穿过安多拉,进入西班牙。

    Go up to Ramsgate , cross into France , go through Andorra and into Spain .

  8. 游客通过一座横跨小溪的步行桥从一边来到另一边。

    Travellers get from one side to the other by walking across a footbridge that spans a little stream .

  9. 大桥巍然横跨在江上。

    The bridge stands majestic astride the river .

  10. 一道彩虹横跨天际。

    A rainbow arched across the sky .

  11. 横跨加拿大的铁路干线是由联邦政府管理的。

    The Trans-Canada railway is a federal responsibility .

  12. 人们认为这种昆虫发源于20世纪初期的南美洲,它在横跨至撒哈拉以南的非洲之前就已传播到了欧洲。

    It is believed to have originated in South America in the early 1900s , and later spread to Europe before crossing over to sub-Saharan Africa .

  13. 里亚托桥是横跨大运河的四座桥梁之一。

    The Rialto Bridge is one of the four bridges spanning the Grand Canal .

  14. 它是横跨大运河的最古老的桥梁,也是圣马可和圣保罗区之间的分界线。

    It is the oldest bridge across the canal , and was the dividing line between the districts of San Marco and San Polo .

  15. 巴普蒂斯特·杜班奇正在骑行横跨欧洲,他全程靠别人丢弃的食物维生。

    Baptiste Dubanchet is biking across Europe , surviving entirely on discarded food .

  16. 11个国家正在打造一堵横跨非洲的树木长城。

    Eleven countries are building a great wall of trees across Africa .

  17. 它长约6500公里,横跨地球的四分之一。

    It was about 6,500 kilometers long and went across one-fourth of the planet .

  18. 所以在不久的将来,我们将能够看到横跨非洲的绿色长城!

    So we will be able to see the whole green wall across Africa in the near future !

  19. 塔桥建于1894年,横跨伦敦泰晤士河,是世界上最宏伟和最著名的桥梁之一。

    The Tower Bridge was set up over the River Thames in London in 1894 and is one of the finest and most famous bridges in the world .

  20. 其中,一些木椽高达20多米,从而能够横跨在大教堂内部广阔的空间中。

    Some of them more than twenty metres tall to span the vast spaces inside the cathedral .

  21. 于是,这对小夫妻在一年后买了一辆小破车,开始了一场横跨欧亚大陆的旅行。

    As a result , the young couple bought a small car a year later and started an overland journey through Europe and Asia .

  22. 我独自在横跨过田地的路上走着,夕阳像一个守财奴似的,正藏起它的后的金子。白昼更加深沉地投入黑暗之中,那已经收割了的孤寂的田地,默默地躺在那里。

    I PACED alone on the road across the field while the sunset was hiding its last gold like a miser1 . The daylight sank deeper and deeper into the darkness , and the widowed land , whose harvest had been reaped , lay silent .

  23. 这要求横跨业务事务范围的唯一相关ID。

    This requires unique correlation ID , spanning the scope of business transaction .

  24. 计算机AutoCAD技术应用于接触网软横跨计算

    Calculation of Overhead Span of OCS by Applying Technology of AutoCAD

  25. 这种模式灵活性使查询可以横跨不同的XML数据(例如具有不同模式的XML数据)进行搜索。

    This schema flexibility enables one search query to search through different XML data , such as XML data with different schemas .

  26. 而我们惦念已久的《绯闻女孩》第四季将以S和B横跨大西洋度过一个巴黎夏天为起点,于秋季首映。

    The fourth season of GG , which premieres this fall , begins in Paris as Serena and Blair enjoy the summer across the pond .

  27. 与传统的文件服务器不同,Swift是横跨多个系统进行分布的。

    Unlike a traditional file server , Swift is distributed across multiple systems .

  28. NETWeb应用程序的多重安全水平,是横跨三个网络服务器(使用循环负载平衡)什么是最好的方法,在保持登录状态为用户?

    NET web application is spanned across three web-servers ( using round-robin load balancing ) what would be the best approach to maintain login-in state for the users ?

  29. 塔科马港的一座横跨PugetSound吊桥。

    A suspension bridge across Puget Sound at Tacoma .

  30. 处罚措施可能横跨谴责这些会计师事务所到全面禁止其为SEC提供审计报告。

    Those penalties could range from censure to completely banning the firms from practice before the sec .