
cáo bǎn
  • Slot plate;frid
槽板[cáo bǎn]
  1. 通过对试验结果分析,可以看出RPC受弯构件的强度与韧性都比普通混凝土高出很多,采用ANSYS有限元软件对RPC梁和RPC道砟槽板的弯曲破坏过程进行数值分析。

    Through the results of the experiment , it can be found that the strength and toughness of RPC bending members are much higher than those of ordinary concrete bending members . Furthermore , the experimental process of the beams and slabs are simulated with ANSYS .

  2. 拱型槽板弹塑性变形的有限元分析方法

    Finite element method for elastoplastic deformation of arched trough plates

  3. 拱型槽板成形过程中回弹的有限元仿真研究

    Finite element simulated research of spring during arched trough plate takes shape

  4. 并对现有通风槽板的几种加工工艺方法进行分析和比较。

    Several existing ventilation slot board processing methods are analyzed and compared .

  5. 拱型槽板成型的试验研究

    Experimental Study on the Forming of Arched Groove Plate s

  6. 微槽板内的对流换热和流动特性

    Convective Heat Transfer and Flow Friction in MicroChannel Structures

  7. 奔驰2628车槽板工艺研究

    The development of Benz Truck 2628 vehicle channel plate

  8. 电机通风槽板制造工艺

    Manufacturing Procedure for Ventilation Channel Plate in Electric Machine

  9. 金属拱形波纹屋面槽板弹性常数的修正

    The modification about elasticity constants of rid plates of corrugated arch metal roof

  10. 大型电机定、转子通风槽板制造工艺改进

    Improvement on Manufacturing Technique for Ventilation Slot of Stator and Rotor of Large-size Motor

  11. 薄钢拱形槽板用于平改坡项目上的优势

    Advantage of Using Arched-type Sheet in Items of Altering from Level to Slope Roof

  12. 模块成型机蒸汽压力箱模槽板断裂失效分析

    Fractured Failure Analysis of the Die Cavity Plate in Steam Pressure Tank of Mould Machine

  13. 从工艺没计、模具设计、材料选择诸方面较详细地讨论了奔茨车槽板制造特点,为玻璃钢/复合材料在车辆制造方面的应用开辟了新途径。

    It opens a new way for the application of GRP / composites in vehicle manufactures .

  14. 起拱机调整机构计数器转数的大小直接影响生产出的拱型槽板曲率半径大小。

    Rotation counts of arch raising machine 's counter influence directly curvatures of manufactured arched trough plate .

  15. 用途:工业窑炉用棚板、立柱、槽板、推板、匣钵、卡具、风口组合砖等。

    Application : Used as Kiln shed board , slide push board , sagger , Tuyere combined bricks .

  16. 推导出了一个适用于槽板结构压膜空气阻尼的微分方程。

    A differential equation for calculating squeeze-film air damping in slotted plates is developed by modifying the Reynolds equation .

  17. 根据拱型槽板实际变形情况,建立了合理的有限元计算模型;

    A reasonable finite element model is set up according to the actual deformations of the arched trough plates .

  18. 通过对三块钢筋锈蚀槽板的荷载试验结果的分析,探讨了钢筋锈蚀和混凝土保护层脱落后的槽板承载力及破坏形态。

    By analysis on testing for three trough-form slabs with corroded steel bar , bearing capacity and destroying status of trough-form slabs were approached .

  19. 相同雷诺数的槽板平均表面换热系数是平板的2~3倍,同时减小了流动阻力。

    The grooves on the heated surface lowered the flow resistance and enhanced the film heat transfer coefficient 2-3 times that of flat plates .

  20. 而且该种截面形式伸缩臂结构腹板的屈曲临界载荷有显著提高,但是对于圆弧下槽板出现了新的局部稳定性问题。

    The critical buckling load of the boom structure web has significantly increased , but new local stability problem emerges on the arc slot board .

  21. 分析电机通风槽板制造的4种工艺方法及各种工艺的发展前景,使通风槽板的设计更为合理,提高电机制造水平。

    Four technical methods of manufacturing ventilation channel plate for electric machine and their prospects are analyzed , so that the design is more reasonable and manufacturing level is improved .

  22. 三槽板间平面陶立克柱式雕带上两个三联浅槽间的空间面板强化,加硬处理,独面板三级台阶强化结构,加硬处理水槽更加平直,更具强度,更能载重。

    Any of the spaces between two triglyphs on a Doric frieze . Application of strengthened and hardened face panel and reinforced 3-stage face-panel structure make the water tank straighter and smooth , more capable in load bearing .

  23. 这种截面形式由于圆弧下槽板与斜腹板的采用,使得伸缩臂结构抗屈曲能力大为增加,受力更加合理,整机重量更轻。

    Because of the adoption of the arc slot board and skew web , this section form make the the anti-buckling capacity of boom structure greatly increased , the force more reasonable and the weight of whole crane lighter .

  24. 介绍了用MC尼龙替代优质木材制作糖机震动输送槽震板的依据和试验情况。

    Principles and trials of MC Nylon as an alternative material for high grade wooden vibrating planks in sugar carrier are introduced .

  25. 环形槽散热板爆炸成形的实验研究

    Experimental research on explosion forming of heating panel with annular recess

  26. 糖机震动输送槽震板的新一代替代材料&MC尼龙板应用报告

    Report on a New Alternative Material for Vibrating Planks in Sugar Carrier

  27. 槽道板结构的应力分析方法

    Method for stress analysis of the channel - plate structure

  28. 钢筋混凝土槽形板受冲击荷载作用的全过程分析

    A Nonlinear Analysis of Reinforced Concrete " Channel " Section Slab under Blast Loading

  29. 电解槽定位板的使用与改进

    Application and Improvement of Positioning Plate in Electrobath

  30. 粘弹性条件下槽道板结构的准静态弯曲变形

    Quasistatic Bending of Viscoelastic Channel-Plate Structure