
ɡǎo mù
  • a withered tree
槁木 [gǎo mù]
  • [dead tree] 已经死亡干枯的树木,形容毫无生气

  • 心如槁木

  • 但令心似莲花洁,何必身将槁木齐。--五代蜀. 贯休《山居诗》

  1. 这时突然有人以树枝敲击槁木,低沉地吟出神农氏的曲子。

    Then someone suddenly sing a song of Shengnong , accompanying by knocking a dry trunk with a branch .

  2. 现在他们的面貌比煤炭更黑,以致在街上无人认识。他们的皮肤紧贴骨头,枯乾如同槁木。

    Their visage is blacker than a coal ; they are not known in the streets : their skin cleaveth to their bones ; it is withered , it is become like a stick .

  3. 综合评价指数最高的是风水林中的潺槁木姜子植物群落,综合评价值为8.0634,其物种最丰富,固沙效能和防风效能好,植物景观层次丰富,在群落中具有明显的优势。

    The highest forest plant communities of comprehensive evaluation index is Litsea glutinosa of Fengshui forest , its value of 8.0634 , the most abundant species , fixing efficiency and effectiveness of a good wind , rich plant layers , has a main advantage in the community .