- 网络Sphenophyllum;cuneus;Sphenophyllum tenerrimum;Sphenophyllum subteaerrimum

The brain areas activated in the senior group during the mental abacus calculation were fewer and mainly localized in occipital lobe ( cuneus and infracalcarine gyrus ) and parietal lobe ( precuneus and inferior parietal lobule ) .
Occipital lobe ( bilateral cuneus ) and parietal lobe ( precuneus and inferior parietal lobule ) were activated in both groups during addition and subtraction tasks ; and occipital cortex and parietal cortex were also activated in the three calculation tasks with different difficulty levels .
Brain stem midbrain , borderline of medulla oblongata and pons cerebelli , right cuneus ( Brodmann area 18 ) and left cerebellum show hypermetabolism state of glucose ( p < 0.01 ) .
The second is subordinate layer of communities represented by Sphenophyllales etc.
In vitro propagation of Adiantum raddianum presl .
EA Hegu on the right induced signal decreases of left parahippocampal gyrus , left inferior semi-lunar lobule . Signal increases of left anterior cingulated , left middle frontal gyrus , right medial frontal gyrus , right cingulate gyrus , right superior temporal gyrus . 5 .
The main findings of functional neuro-imaging results were as follows : retrieval process of Chinese words was associated with increased activity in prefrontal cortex , medial temporal lobe , anterior cingular cortex , precuneus , parahippocampal cortex , insula , superior temporal cortex and so on .
What is noteworthy is that functional connectivity in patient groups between precuneus and posterior cingulate cortex is weaker .
The additional areas activated by Cantonese were right superior frontal gyrus , right inferior parietal lobe and the left precuneus .
The results showed that Cantonese dialect and Mandarin both activated the left inferior frontal gyrus , the right middle occipital gyrus and right precuneus .
However , relative to the personal risk identification task , the environmental risk identification task resulted in greater transient activity in the posterior cingulate cortex and precuneus .
In post-learning task , the activities of bilateral occipital lobe ( visual areas ) and middle frontal gyrus , left inferior frontal gyrus , precentral gyrus and bilateral SMA , superior parietal lobule , inferior parietal lobule and precuneus could be observed .
By computing the centrality indices of the functional network , we find that the precuneus and cingulate gyrus are connected widely with many other nodes in the network , and acted as the hub areas with shortest paths connecting to other nodes .
New activated brain areas include the left praecuneus , and the gyrus fusiformis of the right occipital lobe . 4 . Compared with non-meridians and non-points group , activated brain areas after electro-acupuncture at Quchi Point ( resting state ) are similar .