
  • 网络vegetation type;vegetation form
  1. 在苏联地球植物学中,“植被型”一词是指主要高级单位。

    The term ' vegetation type ' designates the principal unit of major rank in Russian geobotany .

  2. 封山育林后研究区内植被型和群系未发生改变。

    The vegetation type and the formation had not been changed in research small watershed closed forest plots .

  3. 典型高山冻原植被型的归还量最大,而归还率却较低。长白山高山冻原生态系统内S、N和P的利用效率分别是7.14、2.04和4.76。

    The use efficiencies of S , N and P were 7.14 , 2.04 and 4.76 in the alpine tundra of Changbai Mountains , for which the use efficiencies of S and P were much higher than that of N.

  4. 植被型多孔混凝土的制备与植生试验

    Planting experiment and preparation of porous concrete adapt to plants-growing

  5. 列举了各个植被型中的重要群团。

    The main alliances of each vegetation-type are described .

  6. 植被型生态混凝土的研究现状及趋势

    Current Situation and Trends of Research on Vegetation-Growing Eco-Concrete

  7. 影响其冬季栖息地选择的关键因子是郁闭度、植被型;

    The key factors significantly influenced on habitat selection in the winter were the coverage and vegetation type ;

  8. 次要因子是食物丰富度、植被型、郁闭度、灌木盖度;

    The secondary factors were the food abundance , vegetation type , coverage and shrub overcast , respectively ;

  9. 该区植物区系成分复杂,与世界各地都有联系,特有植物和古老植物多。马鬃岭自然保护区主要有6个植被型:Ⅰ、常绿阔叶林;

    The floristic elements are complex and are related to the plants distributed in every part of the world .

  10. 苍山有种子植物170科、755属、2330种,野生动物252种,有8个植被型、12个亚型、20个群系。

    There are 2 330 species , 755 genera , 170 families of seed plants ; 252 species of wild animals ;

  11. 特征层片并不总是优势层片,但它的存在特别可作为一定植被型的特征。

    Character synusia is not always a dominant one , but the presence of which is particularly characteristic of a given vegetation type .

  12. 博格达山低山丘陵区植物群落有5个植被型,8个植被亚型、20个群系、24个群丛。

    The natural vegetation in research area should be divided into S vegetation types , 8 sub-vegetation types , 20 formations and 24 associations .

  13. 植物群落划分为3个植被型组,4个植被型,9个群系。

    There is the vegetation of 9 forms which belong to 3 groups of vegetation type and 4 vegetation types in this forest region .

  14. 可分为针叶林、阔叶林、灌丛、荒漠和旱生灌丛、草原、草甸、草本沼泽等七个植被型。

    They can be divided into seven vegetation types such as : coniferous forest , broad-leaved forest , scrub , desert and xeric shrubland , grassland , meadows and marshes .

  15. 在同一海拔梯度下,植被型对坡度、坡向因子的响应明显。

    Vegetation type of the response was significantly above sea level . ( 2 ) At the same altitude , the response factor of the vegetation type is the slope and aspect .

  16. 物种多样性指数的变化范围是:样本间0~4.9285,小生境间0~2.1143,生境类型间0~1.7091和植被型0.9740~1.3143;

    The ranges of species diversity indices were from 0 to 4.9285 among samples , 0 to 2.1143 among microhabitats , 0 to 1.7091 among habitat types , and 0.9740 to 1.3143 among vegetation types .

  17. 其中减水型措施分别减水42.0%和19.8%,植被型措施分别为24.2%和38.9%。

    The benefits of water reduction by water reduction measures of soil and water conservation were 42.0 % and 19.8 % respectively , and the benefits by vegetation control were 24.2 % and 38.9 % respectively .

  18. 四川扭角羚春冬季栖息地利用的分离主要表现为食物丰富度、乔木大小、乔木密度、乔木距离、植被型、水源、坡位等生态因子的分离。

    The diference of habitat use of Sichuan Takin between spring and winter showed mainly in food abundance , tree size , tree density , tree dispersion , vegetation type , water source and slope position .

  19. 该区主要群落可分为3个植被型组,5个植被型,18个群系,32个群丛,分布最广泛,面积最大的为鹅耳枥群系。

    In this region , the plant vegetation was classified into 32 associations , which belong to 3 groups of vegetable types and 5 vegetation types and 22 forms , the widest distribution is Carpinus turczaninowii community .

  20. 斑羚春冬季生境选择的分离主要表现为植被型、郁闭度、水源、坡位、坡度、乔木大小、乔木距离、灌木密度等生态因子的分离。

    The separation of habitat selection of Long tailed goral in spring and winter showed mainly in the ecological factors , slope , tree size , tree density , shrub density , vegetation type , slope position , canopy and water source .

  21. 结果表明:森林植物群落分2个植被型,4个群系,19个群丛组;群落垂直结构分乔术、灌木、草本3层,植物组成分属于34科、76属108种;

    The study shows that the forest communities can be divided into 2 vegetation types , 4 formations and 19 association groups , the vertical structure of communities was divided into three layers-arbor , bush and grass , and there are 108 species of 76 genus in 34 families .

  22. 土壤~植被混合型地表红外辐射特性研究

    Research on Infrared Radiation Characteristics of the Soil-Vegetation Mixed Terrain Surface

  23. 土壤与植被混合型地表的温度场特性分析

    Temperature field characteristic of the soil-vegetation mixed terrain

  24. 塔里木盆地北缘植被生活型组成的分析

    The Analysis of Characteristic of Life Form of Flora in Northern Area of the Tarim Basis

  25. 西双版纳地区不同植被亚型蚁科昆虫群落研究

    A study on communities of Formicidae ants in different subtypes of vegetation in Xishuangbanna District of China

  26. 按中国植被生活型分类,以多年生草本占优势,其次为一年生草本;

    On classification of Chinese vegetation life style , perennial herbages are predominate , the next is annual herbaceous ;

  27. 根据组平均法、离差平方和法、最近邻体法等三种聚类分析的结果,香港岛的森林群落可划分为三个植被亚型和七个群系。

    From the results of cluster analyses , the lower subtropical evergreen broadleaved forests on Hong gong Island were divided into three sub-types and seven formations ( Fig. 1 ) .

  28. 在生活型谱方面,除分析了上海公园绿地的生活型谱现状外,还通过对比分析了其与天童国家森林公园地带性植被生活型谱的关系。

    The current situation of life form spectrum in the green lands of parks in Shanghai was analyzed and compared with that in the regional vegetation in Tiantong National Forest Park .

  29. 植被生长型以灌木和草本为主,共计518种,占沿线植被物种总数的93.16%;生活型谱中高位芽植物占优势,地面芽植物次之,地上芽最少。

    The growth-forms of vegetation type dominated by shrubs and herbs , a total of 518 species and account for 93.16 % of the total species . spectrum phanerophyte at most , hemicryptophyte second and the ground buds at least in the life-forms of vegetation .

  30. 低植被梯度分布型中斑块的变形不明显。

    Plaque deformation in Low vegetation - bare patch of sand in the gradient distribution is not relatively significant . 3 .