
  1. 根据水体条件、植被组成和地貌特征等,划分了7种草地植被类型和2个木本植物分布区。

    According to the hydrological conditions , vegetation species and landform characters , seven grassland types and two zones of woody plants are distinguished .

  2. 香港位于亚洲热带植物分布区的北面边缘,本土和外来的维管系植物,估计约有2800种。

    Hong Kong is near the northern limit of the distribution of tropical Asian flora and has an estimated 2800 species of vascular plants , both native and introduced .

  3. 棘豆植物分布区地理位置和牲畜中毒征状说明肃南县的棘豆毒草很可能是《马可波罗游记》中所记载的引起牲畜中毒的毒草。

    The distribution area , geographic position and the symptoms of poisoning in livestock of Oxytropis indicate that Oxytropis in Sunan County may well be the toxic plant that caused the selenosis of livestock recorded by Marco Polo in 1295 .

  4. 因而,现存被子植物的种子大小具有明显的适应辐射的演化特点。4、植物分布区类型不同,种子大小变异存在较大的差异。

    Trends in the evolution of seed size has gone in many directions , towards larger or smaller seeds . Thus , the seed size of angiosperm has the obvious characteristics of adaptive radiation.4.With different areal-types of plants , the seed size variation is significant difference .

  5. 土壤植物群落分布区红叶李节肢动物群落动态及药剂对群落的扰动东北林区落叶松人工林群落演替趋势

    Succession Trend of Larch Plantation Communities in Forest Regions of Northeast China

  6. 河南种子植物种分布区类型研究

    Study on Areal Types of Species of Spermatophyte in Henan Province of China

  7. 四川农田维管植物杂草分布区类型初探

    Primary Study of the Areal Types of Field Vascular Weeds in Sichuan Province

  8. 土壤植物群落分布区衡阳盆地紫色土丘陵坡地植物群落的数量分类

    Numberical Classification of Plant Community on the Purple Soil Slope in Hengyang Basin

  9. 新疆共有野生郁金香12种,是世界郁金香属植物的分布区之一,也是我国野生郁金香的唯一产地。

    Xinjiang was the only distribution area of Tulipa in China with 12 species .

  10. 土壤植物群落分布区园林绿地性质和乔灌植物物种多样性研究

    Study on Green Land Nature of Garden and Species Diversity of Tree and Shrub Plant

  11. 土壤植物群落分布区核准土地用途分区图则

    Approved land use zoning plan

  12. 肇东沿江湿地自然保护区种子植物属分布区类型的研究

    A research on the area types of spermatophyte genera of Wetland Nature Reserve Along the Songhua River in Zhaodong City

  13. 西桌子山珍稀植物群分布区新生代以前生态条件历史演变的研究

    Research of ecological condition history evolvement about rare phytocoenology distributing area before Cenozoic era in West Zhou Zi Shan mountain

  14. 中国是蔷薇属植物主要分布区,中国野生蔷薇为现代月季立下了汗马功劳。

    China is the main distribution area of the rose-category plants , and China 's wild rosebush contributes great to the modern China rose .

  15. 土壤植物群落分布区岷江干旱河谷植物群落分布特征及梯度效应

    Distribution characters and gradient effect of species diversity of plant community in typical district of the arid valley in the upper reach of Minjiang River

  16. 云南是我国报春花属(Primula)植物的主要分布区。

    Yunnan province is the main region that Primula distributes .

  17. 东南亚是藤类植物的集中分布区。

    Southeast Asia is the pivot area of natural rattan .

  18. 世界种子植物科的分布区类型系统

    The Areal-types of the World Families of Seed Plants

  19. 昆明地区园林种子植物属的分布区类型研究

    Study of the Areal Types of Genera on Landscape Seed Plants in Kunming

  20. 滇西北地区种子植物地理分布及区系分化

    Geographical Patterns and Flora Differentiation of Seed Plants in Northwest Yunnan , China

  21. 成都市园林种子植物科的分布区类型初探

    Preliminary study of the areal types of families on garden seed plants in Chengdu

  22. 湖南省国家级珍稀濒危植物分布特征及区系探讨

    Approach to the Distributional Characteristics of National Rare and Endangered Plants and Their Flora of Hunan

  23. 大兴安岭樟子松林组成植物种的分布区类型

    The types of plant species in the forest of Pinus sylvestris in Daxing à nling Mountain area

  24. 同时论文还将广东裸子植物种的分布区类型划分为20个亚型。

    Meanwhile , the species areal-types of Guangdong Gymnospermae were divided into 20 subtypes in this paper .

  25. 研究表明:该保护区植物科属分布区类型以热带成分占绝对优势;

    The results showed that in the nature reserve the tropical element is dominant of vegetation areal types ;

  26. 浙江白云森林公园珍稀濒危植物的分布、区系特征及保护对策

    The Distribution , Flora Features and Protection Measures of Rare and Endangered Plants of Zhejiang Baiyun Forest Park

  27. 结果表明:成都市园林种子植物科的分布区类型复杂多样,包含15个类型和12个变型。

    The results showed that all these families in garden seed plants could be classified into 15 areal types and 12 subtypes .

  28. 在分析了动植物物种分布的区系特征后,探索性地提出了加强生物多样性保护和可持续发展对策。

    After analyzing the characters of flora and fauna of the reserve , the conservation strategies and the sustainable development strategies are proposed .

  29. 通过野外调查和查阅大量标本、文献,对江西猕猴桃属植物的分布和区系特征进行了系统研究。

    The geographical distribution and floristic characters of Actinidia species from Jiangxi Province were studied by means of field surveys and examining herbarium specimen and literatures .

  30. 在中国种子植物地理成分分布区的15个类型中,除热带亚洲至热带非洲成分、中亚成分2种类型外,本区有其余13个类型。

    There are 13 types of all the 15 geographic elements of seed plants except the element of tropical Asia and Africa , element of central Asia .