
zōng xióng
  • brown bear
棕熊 [zōng xióng]
  • [brown bear] 指毛色以棕褐为主的熊类;特指欧洲的一种普通熊

棕熊[zōng xióng]
  1. 加拿大棕熊Barney参与了本次三天多的外景拍摄,后期制作公司JellyfishPictures和制片人JonStopp用影片修复的方法做出了棕熊脱外套的效果,并模拟了“一个冻得要死的男人穿着斑斑点点的紧身衣跳舞”的场景。

    Shot on location over three days with a Canadian Brown Bear , Barney , post production house Jellyfish Pictures and producer Jon Stopp created the stripped down bear using prosthetics and " a very cold man dancing around in a spotty bodystocking . "

  2. 这只年轻的欧洲棕熊摆姿势好可爱因为我们。

    This young European brown bear posed so cute for us .

  3. 棕熊是杂食性动物,抓到什么吃什么。

    Brown bears are omnivorous , eating anything that they can get their paws on .

  4. 蒙特利尔加拿大人队以4比1战胜波士顿棕熊队,夺得了国家冰球联盟斯坦利杯。

    The NHL Stanley Cup was won by the Montreal Canadians , who defeated the Boston Bruins four games to one .

  5. 在北美冰上曲棍球联盟(NationalHockeyLeague,NHL)的比赛中,波士顿棕熊队(BostonBruins)夺得了史坦利杯(StanleyCup)。

    In the National Hockey League , the Boston Bruins won the Stanley Cup .

  6. 棕熊巴鲁老是像比尔·默里(BillMurray)一样慢吞吞地说话,同样让人忍俊不禁。

    And it is , inevitably , a delightto hear Bill Murray 's hepcat drawl coming from a conniving sloth bear , Baloo .

  7. 波士顿棕熊队是NHL历史最悠久的球队之一。这是自1972年以来该球队首次赢得冠军。

    This is the first championship since nineteen seventy-two for Boston -- one of the oldest teams in the NHL .

  8. 棕熊队在这次冠军争夺赛的最后一场比赛,也就是第7场中以4:0击败了温哥华加人冰球队(VancouverCanucks)。

    The Bruins ed the Vancouver Canucks four to nothing in the seventh and final game of their series .

  9. 来自俄罗斯的斯维特拉娜和尤里夫妇收养了一只三个月大名叫Stepan的大棕熊。

    Russian family Svetlana and Yuriy adopted the very large bear named Stepan aged three months .

  10. 表面上斯维特拉娜和尤里就像其他普通的夫妻一样,但是对于23岁的棕熊Stepan来说,他们可不寻常。

    On the surface Svetlana and Yuriy appear like any other ordinary couple , but for their 23-year-old bear named Stepan .

  11. 在台北市立动物园,你可以看到棕熊。

    You can see brown bears in the Taipei City zoo .

  12. 三星EcoBubble洗衣机照片拍摄现场惊现大棕熊?

    Huge Bear Surprises Samsung Crew on EcoBubble washing machine Photo Shoot

  13. 灰棕熊甚至还偷偷接近正在进食的食肉动物以猎杀它们。

    Grizzly bears will also approach feeding predators to steal their kill .

  14. 哦耶!别和棕熊布哥鬼混在一起

    Oh yeah , don 't mess with the Boogster .

  15. 北极熊体型比棕熊或黑熊大得多。

    Polar bears are much bigger than the brown and black bears .

  16. 布哥是一只生活单调的棕熊

    Boog was a bear who lived the easy life .

  17. 这里的棕熊体型比世上其他地方都大

    Here they grow larger than anywhere in the world .

  18. 在大家的记忆中,这些山是棕熊的家园。

    Within living memory these mountains were the home of the brown bear .

  19. 德国玩商制造泰德熊玩偶纪念棕熊遭猎杀

    German toy producer releases Teddy bear to commemorate hunt of a brown bear

  20. 同时,花园球场上棕熊队迎战匹兹堡企鹅队。

    Across town the Bruins welcomed the Pittsburgh Penguins to the TD Garden .

  21. 我被邀请来在棕熊队的附加赛中挥舞国旗。

    I was invited to wave the flag at the Bruins play-off game .

  22. 蜂巢现在看起来的确有点儿像一只大棕熊。

    The beehive did sort of look like a big brown bear now .

  23. 灰棕熊能轻而易举的制服任何一种出现在它领地上的动物。

    Grizzly bears can easily overpower any animal that is in its natural territory .

  24. 明年棕熊就可以退休了。

    The brown bear is retiring next year .

  25. 我在棕熊队打什么位置了。

    What position I played for the bruins .

  26. 后面还立着一只棕熊。

    A brown bear looms behind the gharial .

  27. 野生动物专家分析认为,这一手机铃声让棕熊对自己的袭击产生了犹豫。

    Wildlife experts believe the ringtone must have startled the bear into halting its attack .

  28. 我们的动物园里还有棕熊、黑熊和白熊。

    In our zoo there are also brown bears , black bears and white bears .

  29. 灰棕熊最早发现于北美洲,是世界上最大的熊。

    Grizzly bears are the largest species of bear and are native to North America .

  30. 棕熊可以抢占先机

    these bears have the first chance .