
gēn jǐng
  • collar;collet
根颈[gēn jǐng]
  1. 侧根多集中在根颈下0~5cm主根段。

    Lateral roots on taproot were concentrated at 0-5 cm closed to collar .

  2. 主根直径与根颈直径在根系性状中表现最为突出。

    Taproot diameter and collar diameter had a prominent performance .

  3. 该病害的典型症状为叶斑、叶片黄化、茎秆矮化、茎秆变色、根颈和根腐烂。E.astragali在叶柄和茎秆中的分离率显著(P<0.05)大于叶片和根部。

    Typical symptoms are leaf lesions , leaf yellowing , shoot stunting , stem discoloration , crown rot and root rot. Frequencies of E. astragali in petioles and stems were significantly ( P0.05 ) higher than in leaf blades and roots .

  4. 早期重度刈割后,根颈和根系TNC含量均有明显下降,但根颈含量恢复较快;

    TNC concentration of crowns and roots significantly decreased following early heavy clipping , but it recovered rapidly in crowns .

  5. 扦插繁殖育苗时利用其根颈部位萌芽条作为繁殖材料比较理想,未经任何处理和经过L1号生根粉处理均可达到70.0%以上的成活率。

    The stump of root is suitable to be used as propagation materials when cottage propagating . The survival rate can reach to 70.0 % without any handling or rooting L1 .

  6. ENDODONTIC石英纤维桩在根颈1/3应力高于PROSTHETIC石英纤维桩,而根尖1/3处两种桩的应力分布无明显区别;

    The stress at the cervical third of the root of the tooth restored with the ENDODONTIC fiber post is relatively higher than that of the tooth restored with PROSTHETIC fiber post .

  7. 研究了矮生嵩草(Kobresiahumilis)根系和根颈中总非结构碳水化合物(TNC)含量的季节变化,对根颈中TNC含量与地上部分生长的关系以及刈牧对TNC的影响进行了分析。

    The seasonal variation of total nonstructural carbohydrates ( TNC ) concentration in crowns and roots of Kobresia humilis were determined during 1993 ~ 1994.The effects of defoliation on TNC concentration and the relationship between the aboveground growth and TNC concentration in crown were analysed .

  8. 苜蓿根颈中脂肪酸不饱和度、不饱和脂肪酸与饱和脂肪酸含量比值、脂肪酸不饱和指数(IUFA)均与温度呈显著负相关或极显著负相关。

    The degree of unsaturated fatty acids , the ratio of unsaturated fatty acids and saturated fatty acid , the index of unsaturated fatty acid ( IUFA ) in the rootstalk of alfalfa were significantly negatively or very significantly negatively correlated with temperature .

  9. 根系生物量、主根直径整体上表现为从土壤表层到深层递减;品种间根颈特性差异明显;

    Root system biomass , root diameter are decreased from surface layer to deep layer .

  10. 常规水提法在甘薯根颈多糖提取中的应用

    The Extraction of Polysaccharide from the Root Neck of Sweet Potato with Water as Solvent

  11. 不同苜蓿品种根颈和根系形态学特性比较及根系发育能力

    Study on Root System Development Ability and Comparison of Root and Crown Traits among Alfalfa Cultivars

  12. 观察幼苗的解剖学结构,发现根颈由子叶节区和下胚轴组成,初生维管系统在根和茎之间的转变发生在胚轴上很短的子叶节区。

    The convertion of primary vascular system occurs in the Cotyledon Node Zone between root and stem .

  13. 根颈全部和根的部分受冻变黑,已不能再生新芽;

    Crown completely and root partly were frozen and blacken , frozen crown could not grow new bud ;

  14. 顶芽枯死及干基或根颈受害是紫椴丛生的主要原因。

    Die-back and injury of butt or root crown are the main reasons of clustering of Tilia amurensis .

  15. 而遮荫强度影响根颈长众数、平均根颈长和根颈长整齐度。

    The mode , the mean and the uniformity of crown length were affected by the shading intensity .

  16. 海南香蕉根颈象甲卵的空间分布型及理论抽样数确定

    Spatial Pattern and Theoretical Sampling Number of Eggs of Banana Weevil Cosmopolites sordidus ( Germar ) in Hainan

  17. 结果表明:遮荫时间主要影响蔷薇实生苗平均根颈长和根颈长整齐度;

    The result showed : the uniformity and the mean of crown length were mainly affected by shading time ;

  18. 对15个国外引进紫花苜蓿品种的根颈和根系特性及根系发育能力进行了研究。

    Study on root system development ability of 15 introduced alfalfa cultivars and their root and crown traits was conducted .

  19. 主根直径和根颈直径是影响根系生长的主要因素,也是影响地上部生长的重要因素。

    Taproot diameter and collar diameter played major role in root growth , and had an important impact on plant growth .

  20. 结果表明:根颈是曼氏袋鼠爪组培快繁的最适外植体;

    The results show that the root neck is the best explant of tissue culture and fast propagation for Anigozanthos manglesii .

  21. 越冬期间高羊茅叶片和根颈的抗冻性与碳水化合物和脯氨酸含量的关系

    Freezing Tolerance in Leaves and Crowns of Tall Fescue and Their Relation to the Contents of Carbohydrates and Proline During Overwintering

  22. 施肥量对提高油菜根颈粗、主茎总出叶数及绿叶数有利,密度对其表现为抑制作用。

    Fertilization had positive affect on root collar diameter , stem leaf number , green leaves , while high density had negative effect .

  23. 有2根颈总动脉、4根锁骨下动脉闭塞。

    The extent of stenosis were 30 % ~ 96 % with occlusions of artery in 2 common carotids and 4 subclavian arteries .

  24. 施磷后增加了油菜的根颈粗,主花序长度和一次有效分枝数,有利于高产。

    With P fertilizer rhizome diameter , length of main inflorescences and available primary branches were enhanced , which could cause to high yield .

  25. 同时研究蔷薇根颈的发生和生长规律以及对其长度的调控方法,为更好的利用实生砧木提供依据。

    Meanwhile , laws on seedling crown formation and ways of controlling its elongation have been studied so as to make better use of seedling rootstock .

  26. 最初的修剪应该远离根颈,也就是树枝和树干结合的地方。

    The initial cut should be made away from the ' collar ' , or ' branch bark ridge ' where the branch meets the trunk .

  27. 从外部形态看蔷薇实生苗的根颈由幼苗的下胚轴发育而来;

    From exteral appearance , the root crown develops from the Hypocotyl , while anatomically , it is consist of the Cotyledon Node Zone and Hypocotyl .

  28. 杨梅癌肿病病原细菌的鉴定啤酒花根颈癌肿病的初步研究

    Identification of causal organism of bacterial gall of Bayberry preliminary study on the crown gall [ agrobacterium tumefaciens ( smith et townsend ) conn. ] of hops

  29. 根部典型症状是在根颈中心处出现楔形黑褐色坏死斑,并由根颈处通过维管系统向根尖扩散,严重时根颈全部死亡,腐烂、中空。

    The disease is characterized by the presence of dark brown to black , wedge shaped necrotic lesions that spread from the affected crowns downward into root top .

  30. 结果表明,可溶性糖类含量的增加是造成高羊茅抗冻性增强的重要因素,叶片、根颈和根系中可溶性糖类含量及积累动态的不同可能是构成其对冷锻炼响应不同的重要生理基础。

    It is suggested that the differences and trends of carbohydrate concentration in the leaves , crowns and roots might be an important physiological foundation for freezing tolerant response to cold acclimation .